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Companies now have 1,555 partners in the cloud

Security does not end at the corporate perimeter. After vendors served as entry points in recent high-profile breaches, security vulnerabilities associated with partners have …

How security pros deal with cybercrime extortion

1 in 3 security professionals recommend negotiating with cybercriminals for the return of stolen data or the restoration of encrypted files, according to ThreatTrack Security. …

Two feds charged for stealing Bitcoin during Silk Road investigation

Two former US federal agents have been charged with wire fraud, money laundering and related offenses for stealing digital currency during their investigation of Silk Road. …

Half of companies under DDoS attack have critical data stolen

Neustar surveyed IT professionals from across EMEA to understand the impact of DDoS attacks. 40 percent of companies estimate hourly losses of over £100,000 at peak times …

Look where you’re going before backing up

For all intents and purposes, the 31st of March is not a day that infers significance. It is the 90th day in the Gregorian calendar (leap years aside), and is the home for …

The importance of backup

Over 75 percent of consumers store their data digitally and more than 50 percent state that their personal data are more valuable than their actual devices – solidifying …

Most enterprise network teams now deal with security investigations

85 percent of enterprise network teams today are now involved with security investigations, indicating a major shift in the role of those teams within enterprises, according …

Data breaches drive identity theft and fraud

Data breaches are affecting consumers nationwide and residents in and around Washington, D.C. are not immune to the consequences. According to a survey by Experian, 57 percent …

Week in review: Hacking air-gapped computers using heat, car hacking, malware threat to virtual currencies

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews, articles and reviews: New PoS malware family comes with keylogger component Dubbed …

10 practical security tips for DevOps

More organizations are embracing DevOps and automation to realize compelling business benefits, such as more frequent feature releases, increased application stability, and …

Critical flaw in WiFi routers puts hotels and millions of guests at risk

A critical vulnerability in ANTlabs InnGate devices, a popular Internet gateway for visitor-based networks and commonly installed in hotels and convention centers, has been …

Researchers identify malware threat to virtual currencies

INTERPOL and Kaspersky Lab have identified a threat to the blockchain in virtual transactions that could result in them being embedded with malware or other illegal data. …

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