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Cybersecurity strategies and the boardroom

Cybersecurity has clearly become an important board-level priority. In fact, more than 80 percent of respondents to a NYSE Governance Services/Veracode survey reported that …

Complex security solutions are exposing companies to risk

Companies are putting their customers’ data at risk because IT teams do not have the expertise or time to deploy today’s complicated IT security products, a new survey from …

Drone detection: What works and what doesn’t

Another drone was discovered flying in restricted air space around the White House two weeks ago. The Secret Service found the pilot simply because they happened to see him. …

Phishers register domain names, hammer traditional targets

The number of domain names used for phishing reached an all-time high, according to a new report by the the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG). Many of these were registered …

Reactions to the IRS hack that impacted 100,000 people

Cybercriminals were able to successfully steal tax forms full of personal information of more than 100,000 taxpayers through IRS’ Get Transcript application. This data …

Breach detection: Five fatal flaws and how to avoid them

When the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was passed, it fell on corporate security teams to translate its requirements into technical controls. That threw the IT Security function …

Solving the cybersecurity challenges of smart cities

Backed by leading IT security researchers, companies and organizations, including IOActive, Kaspersky Lab, Bastille, and the Cloud Security Alliance, the global Securing Smart …

How businesses can stem the flow of leaky data

The privacy and security of corporate data is at risk like never before. Not only are businesses faced with an ever-growing variety of security threats, from sophisticated, …

Internet of Things: Whose data is it, anyway?

Everywhere you look, it seems to be that everything is becoming “smart”. On my wrist, I frequently wear a smart watch that monitors how many steps I take, what my heart rate …

Why insider threats are succeeding

Data leaks and other news events over the past few years have brought insider threats to the forefront of public attention, but most companies still lack the means or …

15,000 spam emails have hit the inboxes of Android users in recent days

“Thousands of Android users are at risk of having their mobile devices and private contents locked by a particularly ruthless ransomware that demands $500 to restore …

Sniffing and tracking wearable tech and smartphones

Researchers at Context Information Security have demonstrated how easy it is to monitor and record Bluetooth Low Energy signals transmitted by many mobile phones, wearable …

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Cybersecurity news