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Test your defensive and offensive skills in the eCSI Hacker Playground

BalaBit and Silent Signal today announced that registration is now open for the eCSI Hacker Playground. The hacker challenge is a global online competition, specially designed …

The challenges of implementing tokenization in a medium-sized enterprise

We have seen a concerning pattern in the recent data breaches, including the breach at the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) and other US government agencies in that the primary …

Do CISOs deserve a seat at the leadership table?

A ThreatTrack security survey of C-level executives at U.S. enterprises employing a CISO found that despite a rash of high-profile data breaches in the last year, many in the …

Global managed security services market to reach $29.9 billion by 2020

The global managed security services market is expected to reach $29.9billion by 2020, registering a CAGR of 15.8% during 2014-2020, according to Allied Market Research.The …

Google Chrome update includes 43 security fixes

Google has released Chrome version 44.0.2403.89 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to address multiple vulnerabilities. Exploitation of one of these vulnerabilities may allow an …

Passwords are not treated as critical to security

Considering the cyber world we live in, it’s time to ask whether passwords can still be considered a reliable security component – and if so, how should they be used? Look no …

It’s official: The average DDoS attack size is increasing

New global DDoS attack data from Arbor Networks shows strong growth in the average size of DDoS attacks, from both a bits-per-second and packets-per-second perspective.The …

Information security governance practices are maturing

Information security governance practices are maturing according to Gartner’s annual end-user survey for privacy, IT risk management, information security, business …

Top obstacles to EMV readiness

By October 1, 2015, the majority of U.S. businesses must transition to EMV-capable technologies or become newly liable for any costs incurred from fraud using old magnetic …

How gamers can help improve critical software security

There’s now a game where sophisticated gamers can help improve security of the country’s critical software. SRI International, in partnership with the University of …

How to apply threat intelligence feeds to remediate threats

IT organizations are recognizing the value of threat intelligence feeds, and that’s good. Threat intelligence is a must-have for identifying malware and other threats that …

Hardware encryption market revenue to reach $36.4 billion by end of 2015

There are a variety of ways to secure data, either on the perimeter or within the LAN, but the most fundamental method in a defense-in-depth model is hardware encryption. The …

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