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5 reasons Security Congress is the (ISC)2 member event of the year

The fifth annual (ISC)2 Security Congress, co-located with the 61st annual ASIS International Annual Seminar and Exhibits, is scheduled for September 28 through October 1 in …

The WhatsApp of Wall Street

On August 21, a pump and dump penny stock scam targeting US users, and spread using WhatsApp, drove the share price of Avra Inc, a digital currency company, by 640% from its …

Proactive real-time security intelligence: Moving beyond conventional SIEM

Surprisingly, discussions about security intelligence still focus primarily around conventional reactive Security Incident and Event Management systems (SIEM). However, in …

Network security firewalls approach $1 billion in 2Q15

The enterprise-class network security firewall market sales climbed more than 10 percent compared to the year-ago-period and approached a $1 billion quarterly run-rate during …

JetAudio and JetVideo media player vulnerability allows arbitrary code execution

An arbitrary code execution in the JetAudio Basic (v8.1.3) and JetVideo media players for Windows allows potential attackers to craft a malicious .asf file that could …

What drives employees to shadow IT?

While 94 percent of knowledge workers recognize the importance of collaboration and 83 percent use technology to collaborate, 59 percent are not satisfied with the tools they …

Protect against privileged credential attacks with zero trust

Enterprise networks – and the attacks against them – have evolved. No longer static, they are dynamic entities. And yet, IT organizations continue to use traditional security …

The big picture of protecting and securing Big Data

Today almost every company is dealing with big data in one way or another – including customer data, tracking data, and behavioral marketing information – connecting every …

81% of healthcare organizations have been compromised

Eighty-one percent of health care executives say that their organizations have been compromised by at least one malware, botnet, or other cyber-attack during the past two …

Unsurprisingly, most would support eliminating passwords

Password-based authentication is no longer capable of meeting the demands of modern information security, according to LaunchKey. An overwhelming 84% of respondents would …

Effective security starts with UX

There’s an unfortunate disconnect between the priorities of security teams and where they’re investing their time, focus, and budget. The recent 2015 Black Hat Attendee Survey …

How many employees present a cloud security risk?

Based on analysis across 10 million users, 1 billion files, and over 91,000 applications, CloudLock focused on the riskiest element in the cloud: user behavior.1 percent of …

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