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Enhancing email security in Office 365

The need for corporate security has never been greater. Identity theft remains a lucrative crime, and we read about a major hack nearly every day. Companies moving to Office …

Mobile payments data breaches expected to grow

A survey of 900 cybersecurity experts shows an overwhelming majority (87%) expect an increase in mobile payment data breaches over the next 12 months, yet 42% have used this …

Free tool helps organizations respond to vulnerability reports

HackerOne released a new tool designed to help organizations improve the way they respond to reports about vulnerabilities in their software.The Vulnerability Coordination …

CUJO: Plug-n-play protection for all devices

CUJO is a smart device that brings business level Internet security to guard all of your connected home devices. It’s simple to start with no installation necessary.You …

Healthcare industry sees 340% more security incidents than the average industry

Raytheon|Websense examined the current state of cyber threats and data-stealing attacks against an increasingly digital healthcare industry. Healthcare is highly-targeted and …

Free WordPress plugin for a password-free login

Nearly 25 percent of the Internet runs on WordPress, and now these sites can be more secure thanks to a free WordPress plugin available from LaunchKey.The plugin enables …

ENISA provides details on the complex cybersecurity exercise carried out in 2014

ENISA released the public version of the After Action Report of the pan-European cybersecurity exercise Cyber Europe 2014 (CE2014). This report, approved by the Member States, …

Firefox 41 includes critical security updates

Mozilla released Firefox 41.. This latest version comes with includes four critical, five high, nine moderate and one minor security update.Fixed in Firefox 41: 2015-114 …

Quantifiable differences in security performance across industries

BitSight Technologies analyzed Security Ratings of nearly 10,000 organizations in six industries – finance, federal government, retail, energy and utilities, healthcare and …

Most gamers lack confidence in developers’ security safeguards

83 percent believe game developers should be responsible for securing players’ personal data, however fewer than 40 percent said they feel confident in current safeguards, …

NIST will award $3.6 million to projects designed to improve cybersecurity

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will award $3.6 million for three pilot projects designed to make online …

Are you ready for EMV?

As retailers and banks prepare for the October 1 EMV liability shift—which moves fraud liability from issuing banks to merchants —many consumers have not yet received their …

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Cybersecurity news