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Cyberattacks will cost U.S. health systems $305 billion
Cyberattacks over the next five years will cost U.S. health systems $305 billion in cumulative lifetime revenue. Accenture estimates that one in 13 patients – roughly 25 …
When it comes to breaches, time is the biggest challenge
A new SANS report includes results of a survey that polled 430 security and risk professionals from the SANS community, all working in private and public sector organizations …
Global Internet experts reveal plan for more secure, reliable Wi-Fi routers
In a letter submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Dave Täht, co-founder of the Bufferbloat Project, and Dr. Vinton Cerf, co-inventor of the Internet, along …
How to become a nightmare for cyber attackers
Chris Nickerson, CEO of Lares Consulting, has been a penetration tester for the last 15 year or so. He headed red teams targeting systems and environments known and unknown, …
The countdown to the EU Data Protection Regulation
The scope of the changes under the proposed shift to a single EU Data Protection Regulation, means that organisations should be doing the groundwork now to ensure they’re not …
Companies investing in cloud, security and Big Data are growing faster
Organizations actively using cloud, mobility, big data or security technologies are experiencing up to 53 percent higher revenue growth rates than those that have not invested …
Secure networks are the key to unlocking A2P potential
75% of mobile network operators (MNOs) do not have the measures in place to control and monetize Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS traffic that traverses their network, …
Cybersecurity expectations: Myth and reality
Millennials in the U.S. and U.K. have almost entirely lost trust in government and business to protect their personal information online, according to Intercede.The number of …
Internet of Things: Connecting the security dots from application design to post-sale
The age of Internet of Things is upon us. While it’s still early days, Gartner predicts that by 2020, the Internet of Things will be made up of 26 billion connected devices …
Compliance vs. cybersecurity: Insurers face competing priorities
Over the next 12 months insurers will face competing priorities for resources and time, with cybersecurity preparedness challenging overall regulatory compliance readiness, …
GnuPG 2.1.9 released
The GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard which is commonly abbreviated as PGP. It allows to encrypt and sign data and …
Don’t sink your network
Too many of today’s networks are easy to sink. One attack pierces the perimeter, and all of the organisation’s most sensitive data comes rushing out. Soon after, their logo is …