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China is the top target for DDoS reflection attacks

China bore the brunt of DDoS reflection attacks last month, with 61 percent of the top attack destinations observed hitting Chinese-based systems, according to Nexusguard. Of …

Online Trust Alliance releases new Internet of Things Trust Framework

The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) updated the IoT Trust Framework, a comprehensive global initiative that provides guidance for device manufacturers and developers to enhance …

CoinVault and Bitcryptor ransomware victims don’t need to pay the ransom

Kaspersky Lab has added an additional 14,031 decryption keys to their free repository, enabling all those who have fallen victim to CoinVault and Bitcryptor ransomware to …

Most are unaware of the seriousness of medical data theft

Most remain unaware of their vulnerability to medical data theft, and the fact that it can be far more damaging than credit card or social security number compromise, …

The top threat vector for mobile devices? Porn

As mobile devices become more deeply woven into the fabric of our personal and work lives, cyber criminals are taking increasingly vicious and disturbingly personal shots at …

Creating a secure network for the Internet of Things

The attitudes and perceptions around the Internet of Things (IoT) span a wide array of views from the extreme excitement of consumers and manufacturers, to the concerns …

New DDoS attacks misuse NetBIOS name server, RPC portmap, and Sentinel licensing servers

Akamai has observed three new reflection DDoS attacks in recent months: NetBIOS name server reflection, RPC portmap reflection, and Sentinel reflection.In a reflection DDoS …

Are IT security pros optimistic or naïve?

Half of IT security practitioners in the U.S. view their organization as an unlikely target for attack, according to a Ponemon Institute survey of 614 IT security …

What can we expect from 2016? A growth in online extortion, hacktivism and mobile malware

Next year, continued growth in online extortion, hacktivism and mobile malware is expected, as well as a shift to an offensive cybersecurity posture for government entities …

The security community’s reaction as CISA passes US Senate

On Tuesday, the US Senate has passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), a legislation that will allow companies to share information about the cyber attacks …

Social experiment: 200 USB flash drives left in public locations

Nearly one in five people who found a random USB stick in a public setting proceeded to use the drive in ways that posed cybersecurity risks to their personal devices and …

One in 20 apps on private PCs are end-of-life

Secunia Research revealed the state of security for PC users in a total of 14 countries, including the US. One in 20 applications on private US PCs are end-of-life and 12 …

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