Help Net Security
Open source tool checks for vulnerabilities on Android devices
OEMs like Samsung and HTC run heavily customized versions of Android. Unfortunately, the OEM patch deployment infrastructure is disorganized and too often end users are left …
Understanding a new security market: User behavior analytics
We know that tracking enterprise log data to discover suspicious activity from hackers or malicious insider threats is not a new idea. Five to 10 years ago, we saw the SIEM …
Stanford researchers identify potential security hole in genomic data-sharing network
Sharing genomic information among researchers is critical to the advance of biomedical research. Yet genomic data contains identifiable information and, in the wrong hands, …
The value in vulnerability management platforms
A study conducted by Forrester Consulting assessed IT decision makers’ satisfaction with their current vulnerability management platforms and the challenges companies …
The growth of mobile malware and online banking attacks
Kaspersky Lab explored the increase in mobile threats, malware attempts to steal from consumer online bank accounts and targeted cyberattacks in the evolving threat …
Software-Defined Perimeter enables application-specific access control
Back in the early 1990s enterprises migrated away from proprietary protocols such as DECnet, SNA, and Novell IPX to common standards such as IP. The motivation was the open …
Most consumers believe cloud-based apps can be hacked
Consumers often don’t realize that the applications they depend upon daily live in the cloud and therefore many may be unaware of the threat of breach to their personal data, …
Nearly 2% of all smartphones are compromised or high risk
By analyzing worldwide threat Intelligence data based on millions of monthly security tests from July through September 2015, a new report found 41 percent of mobile devices …
Week in review: WhatsApp data collection, roadblocks to implementing CISA, and how US law enforcement uses Stingrays
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles:European Parliament members want member states to protect Edward SnowdenToo little has …
10 tips to avoid viruses on Halloween
As we get closer to Halloween, hackers take advantage of the most popular Hollywood titles to launch so-called BlackHat SEO attacks, i.e. false Google and other search engine …
Second teenager arrested in connection with TalkTalk hack
Police have arrested a second teenage boy in connection with the investigation into alleged data theft from TalkTalk.On Thursday, 29 October, detectives from the Metropolitan …
Real-world roadblocks to implementing CISA
The recent approval of CISA (the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act) by the US Congress and Senate is paving the way for broader security collaboration. There is a rapidly …