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Week in review: Information the FBI can collect with NSLs revealed, VPN protocol flaw gives away users’ true IP address

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles:Human element of security to the fore at IRISSCON 2015Training people to take more …

Keeping your business secure this holiday season

2015 is coming to a close, but as employees prepare for the holiday season and the new year, cyber criminals aren’t taking a break and are looking for opportunities to take …

86% of PHP-based apps contain at least one XSS vulnerability

Four out of five applications written in PHP, Classic ASP and ColdFusion that were assessed by Veracode failed at least one of the OWASP Top 10. Given the volume of PHP …

Apple’s Swift programming language is now open source

Apple announced that its Swift programming language is now open source. Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language that gives developers the freedom and …

Infosec pros have little confidence in UK’s cybersecurity readiness

Tenable Network Security asked information security practitioners from the UK about confidence in their respective organizations’ abilities to assess risk, invest in …

Finance organizations risk data by failing to secure unique employee logins

Customers’ personal and financial data is being put at risk as many industry personnel are not assigned unique login and password details, new research from IS Decisions has …

Cybercriminals will remain victorious in 2016, relief expected in 2018

From Ashley Madison to the United States Office of Personnel Management – and many, many others in between – what we now know is targets for cyber criminals and nation-state …

Cybercriminals to target new payment technologies

The year 2015 has become widely referred to as the year of the data breach. What nefarious cyber-acts will define 2016? Raytheon|Websense cybersecurity experts today shared …

New flash storage architecture capable of 1TB/s

Seagate and Newisys announced that 21 Newisys NSS-2601 with dual NSS-HWxEA Storage Server Modules deployed with Seagate’s SAS 1200.2 SSD drives can be combined in a single 42U …

The privacy risks of school technology tools

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against Google for collecting and data mining school children’s personal …

Top 10 technology challenges for IT audit professionals

The top technology challenge faced by IT audit executives and professionals worldwide is to keep pace with emerging technology and infrastructure changes, including …

Lack of visibility and security concerns hinder cloud adoption

When it comes to migrating to the cloud, 65% of companies are concerned with security and 40% worry about their loss of physical control over data in the cloud. In particular, …

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