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Demand for new malicious programs reaches saturation point
According to Kaspersky Lab, the number of new malware files detected by its products in 2015 decreased to 310,000 a day, falling 15,000 from the 2014 number of 325,000. …
DDoS attacks increase 180% compared to a year ago
Akamai Technologies announced its Q3 2015 report, which provides analysis and insight into the global cloud security threat landscape.“Akamai has been seeing greater …
Top IoT concerns? Data volumes and network stress
The scaling out to many thousands of devices per organization represents a wealth of new opportunities, according to a report by Quocirca. However, the same security rigor and …
Retailers are unaware of sensitive data leaks
A significant amount of retailers assign the same login credentials to employees and do not know if employees have leaked sensitive data – in spite of the majority …
Exploring the North American cybercriminal underground
Unlike counterparts in other countries, the North American underground encourages cybercriminal activity amongst novices and seasoned pros alike, according to Trend Micro.“The …
100,000 laptops and phones left in UK bars each year
UK bars guzzle up a staggering 138,000 mobile phones and laptops each year, and alarmingly 64 percent of the devices do not have any security protection installed, which means …
First ever EU rules on cybersecurity
Transport and energy companies will have to ensure that the digital infrastructure that they use to deliver essential services, such as traffic control or electricity grid …
How will billions of devices impact the Privacy of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) will create the single largest, most chaotic conversation in the history of language. Imagine every human being on the planet stepping outside and …
(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 48 released
(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 48 has been released today.Table of contents: Ivan …
Tips for managing and securing SSH keys
A new NIST report raises awareness of the major vulnerabilities associated with SSH user key management and provides concrete steps for securing and protecting SSH systems and …
Strong passwords don’t matter if employees don’t secure them
The line between personal and professional use of apps and devices continues to blur, and while employees claim to prioritize online security, data fro Ping Identity shows …

Exposed: New toolset of the Sofacy cyber-espionage group
Kaspersky Lab has spotted new attacks by the Sofacy group which make use of several upgraded techniques designed for aggressive persistency and greater invisibility of …