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New date for migrating off vulnerable SSL and early TLS encryption

Following significant feedback from the global PCI community and security experts, the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) announced a change to the …

Map a path through the issues of cloud, security, data analytics

2016 will be a difficult year to call for the European IT businesses – any of the usual linear progress in the IT industry in 2015 as a result of more powerful technologies …

DDoS protection service: Top vendors in the field

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have in the past been viewed mostly as a tool of online protest due to Anonymous’ obvious predilection for this service …

Week in review: ScreenOS backdoor, Twitter warns about state-sponsored attacks, and MacKeeper data breach

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Critical ScreenOS bugs allow undetectable decryption of VPN connections, device …

Infosec pros are moving beyond traditional passwords

Businesses nationwide are increasing their cybersecurity budgets and exploring alternative authentication techniques to passwords, according to a SecureAuth and Wakefield …

Stolen medical information affects 18 out of 20 industries

Stolen medical information is a much more widespread issue than previously thought, affecting 18 out of 20 industries examined, according to the just released Verizon 2015 …

Mobile banking threats among the leading malicious financial programs

For the first time ever, mobile financial threats rank among the top ten malicious programs designed to steal money. Another alarming trend is the rapid spread of ransomware, …

Five key cybersecurity trends for 2016

The overwhelming shift to mobile and cloud computing among both businesses and consumers will see some surprising additions to the risk landscape in 2016. ISACA shares five …

Blockchain transactions create risks for financial services

Trust is the most valuable commodity in the digital age. Failure to trust the systems or organizations in which we place our digital assets leads us to look at alternate …

EU flag
New EU rules on data protection put the citizen back in the driving seat

New EU data protection legislation, informally agreed on Tuesday and backed by Civil Liberties MEPs on Thursday morning, will create a uniform set of rules across the EU fit …

Vision for a new generation of experimental cybersecurity research

How do cybersecurity experts discover how to properly defend a system or build a network that’s secure? As in other domains of science, this process involves hypothesis, …

IT teams expect a nightmare during the holidays

Dealing with potential data loss will be the number one headache confronting IT professionals in the run up to the 2015 holiday season. Over one-third of IT professionals in …

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