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Small merchants are not effectively engaging with PCI programs

Smaller merchants are systematically failing to engage with PCI compliance programs, according to a new acquirer survey from Sysnet Global Solutions. The survey revealed that …

Most SAP systems vulnerable to critical security configuration risk

Onapsis researchers revealed a critical security configuration vulnerability that results from default installations in SAP systems which if left insecure, could lead to a …

Can existing endpoint security controls prevent a significant attack?

Endpoint security solutions are failing to provide adequate protections to address today’s security threats, specifically malware, according to Minerva Labs. A majority of the …

Better code won’t save developers in the short run

According to OWASP, “Insecure software is undermining our financial, healthcare, defense, energy and other critical infrastructure.” In its 2017 OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web …

Global AI business value to reach $1.2 trillion in 2018

Global business value derived from artificial intelligence (AI) is projected to total $1.2 trillion in 2018, an increase of 70 percent from 2017, according to Gartner. …

Researchers discover next generation phishing kit

Researchers at Check Point and CyberInt, have discovered a new generation of phishing kit that is readily available on the Dark Web. A posting on the Dark Net that advertises …

$8.76 million: The average yearly cost of insider threats

According to The Ponemon Institute’s report, “2018 Cost of Insider Threats: Global Organizations,” the average cost of an insider threat annually is $8.76 million. It’s …

Are your organization’s key assets at risk?

A new study conducted by the Ponemon Institute shows increases in threats and awareness of threats to knowledge assets, as well as improvements in addressing those threats by …

SOCs require automation to avoid analyst fatigue for emerging threats

A survey conducted by LogicHub at RSA Conference 2018 identified 79 percent of respondents believe both human expertise and security automation is needed for a powerful …

Not all malware is created equal

Lastline’s Q4 2017 Malscape Monitor Report delivers previously unavailable trends and actionable insights into malicious behaviors and how threats unfold. The MIME types …

How many threats hit the mainframe? No one really knows

Mainframes are the definition of mission-critical for countless businesses. Mainframes can run 1.1 million transactions per second and are at the core of the technology …

Largest inhibitor of cyber insurance market growth? Silent cyber risk

A new study of the UK cyber risk insurance and broker community reveals startling findings. First and foremost, the insurance industry needs to address non-affirmative cyber …

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