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Theft of user accounts on cryptocurrency exchanges is soaring

Within a year, the number of data leaks from cryptocurrency exchanges soared by 369%, Group-IB researchers have found, and the US, Russia and China are the countries where …

Cyber hygiene training is infrequent and inconsistent

Finn Partners Research released findings from its Cybersecurity at Work study that examined the level of cyber risk that employees pose to their organizations. The in-depth …

Qualys integrates real-time network analysis in its Cloud Platform

Qualys has introduced Passive Network Sensor (PNS), a new member of the Qualys sensor family that natively integrates network analysis functions into the Qualys Cloud …

Researchers open source tools to identify Twitter bots at scale

Duo Security published technical research and methodology detailing how to identify automated Twitter accounts, known as bots, at a mass scale. Using machine learning …

Qualys at Black Hat USA 2018: Hear best practices from industry leaders

There will be no lack of interesting content from Qualys at Black Hat USA 2018 this year. Depending on you interests, you might want to make time for some of these talks and …

Week in review: Deploying automation securely, dark web activities that indicate a breach

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Industrial cybersecurity: Protecting OT from IT A powerful technique for protecting …

Cybercrime gangs continue to go where the money is

According to the APWG’s new Phishing Activity Trends Report, phishing in the first part of 2018 surged 46 percent higher than late 2017. The total number of phish detected in …

Employees who witness compliance violations twice as likely to leave company

Twenty-nine percent of employees observed at least one compliance violation at work in 2016 or 2017, according to a survey by Gartner. The survey, which sampled more than …

Rise in email impersonation attacks makes companies re-assess their security efforts

Most companies believe they’ve experienced serious data breaches driven by email impersonation in the past 12 months – but are not doing nearly enough to prevent future …

Industrial cybersecurity: Protecting OT from IT

A powerful technique for protecting OT from IT, or to enforce whatever separation is required to ensure the integrity of industrial control infrastructure, involves …

Securely deploying automation for business benefit

Streamlining business processes – and cutting down on the need for human employees to perform mundane and repetitive tasks – automation technology is increasingly being …

insider threat
Do your users understand your cybersecurity policy?

ObserveIT surveyed more than 1,000 full-time employees ages 18-65+ at organizations with more than 500 employees on their understanding and awareness of cybersecurity …

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