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Your data center’s IT is lock-tight, are the facility’s operations?

Data centers are the lifeblood of the enterprise, allowing for scale never before imagined and access to critical information and applications. Businesses are increasingly …

Cybercriminals shift tools, tactics and procedures to improve infection rates

Trend Micro released its Midyear Security Roundup 2018, revealing that cybercriminals are moving away from attention-grabbing ransomware attacks to more covert methods …

Incorporating sensitive asset data into your vulnerability and compliance program

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2018, Tim White, Director of Product Management, Policy Compliance at Qualys, talks about the importance of incorporating …

connected house
IoT failures plague most users worldwide

52% of consumers worldwide are now using Internet of Things (IoT) devices, yet 64% of those have already encountered performance issues – according to Dynatrace. On average, …

Emerging consensus for an ICS security approach

An increasing body of experience with industrial control system (ICS) security, as well as the emerging Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are driving a new consensus as to …

Privacy Shield: Should I stay or should I go?

The lead up to the GDPR enforcement date consumed a large swath of media coverage. This essentially buried the news that in early July 2018, the European Union Parliament …

23% of UK SMBs still use USB drives as their primary data storage solution

Mny British companies are finding it hard to store and manage their company’s data effectively. Seagate polled a representative sample of 1,006 UK SMB employees, asking them …

Blocking compromised passwords: How and why to do it

Passwords are beginning to feel like the zombie that just won’t die. Even after Bill Gates famously called for their demise in 2004, this antiquated form of user verification …

Week in review: DNS interception, critical Apache Struts flaw, cybersecurity career pathing

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: The importance of career pathing in the cybersecurity industry A major issue facing …

Why do enterprises take a long time to install vital security updates

More than a quarter (27%) of enterprise IT departments in the US are forced to wait at least a month before installing vital security updates, due to budgetary restraints and …

Nearly half of businesses suffered an unrecoverable data event in the last three years

Over 90% of respondents do not consider their organization to be IT resilient and nearly half have suffered an unrecoverable data event in the last three years, according to …

6.4 billion fake emails sent every day

The Valimail Q2 2018 Email Fraud Landscape shows that fake email continues to be a serious problem, with an estimated 6.4 billion fake emails sent every day. That total …

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