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DevOps ebook
eBook: The DevOps Roadmap for Security

DevOps is concerned with uniting two particular tribes: development and operations. These tribes have seemingly competing priorities: developers value features while …

Four differences between the GDPR and the CCPA

By passing the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which goes into effect on January 1, 2020, the Golden State is taking a major step in the protection of consumer data. …

CISOs: Change your mindset or lose your job

Capgemini commissioned IDC to produce a new piece of research, which reveals the increasing pressure on the Chief Information Security Officer to drive forward digital …

Deloitte report
Evaluating the biggest cyber threats to the electric power sector

The network of power plants and lines connecting to homes and businesses is widely considered to be among the most critical infrastructure in the world. It’s also one of …

Email authentication use growing steadily in every industry sector

U.S. federal government agencies and many major enterprises have made significant strides to thwart the spread of fake emails, a major cybersecurity attack vector. But many …

RSA Conference
RSA Conference 2019 USA: What you can expect at this year’s event

It’s that time of year: RSA Conference 2019 USA is a little over a month away. To prepare, we asked Britta Glade, Director of Content and Curation for RSA Conference, to tell …

Week in review: FaceTime bug, Apple developer certs abused, new privacy attack against 5G

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: New Mac malware steals cookies, cryptocurrency and computing power A new piece of Mac …

DigiCert Labs to innovate new security technologies that address emerging threats

DigiCert, the world’s leading provider of TLS/SSL, IoT and PKI solutions, announced the launch of DigiCert Labs, an initiative dedicated to researching and developing …

Safeguarding your data from human error and phishing attacks with the cloud

This is the third article of a series, the first article is available here, and the second one is here. In a world of ransomware attacks, companies should prepare for the …

Is your organization ready for the data explosion?

“Data is the new oil” and its quantity is growing at an exponential rate, with IDC forecasting a 50-fold increase from 2010 to 2020. In fact, by 2020, it’s estimated that new …

Employees report 23,000 phishing incidents annually, costing $4.3 million to investigate

Account takeover-based (ATO) attacks now comprise 20 percent of advanced email attacks, according to Agari’s Q1 2019 Email Fraud & Identity Deception Trends report. …

Companies getting serious about AI and analytics, 58% are evaluating data science platforms

New O’Reilly research found that 58 percent of today’s companies are either building or evaluating data science platforms – which are essential for companies that are …

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Cybersecurity news