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Number of connected devices reached 22 billion, where is the revenue?

The number of devices connected to the internet reached 22 billion worldwide at the end of 2018, according to the latest research from Strategy Analytics. Enterprise IoT …

How small businesses can keep their data secure

In the age of technology, it can be harder than ever to keep your data safe. Not only that, it’s also more important than ever to secure your data. However, your small …

The security challenges of managing complex cloud environments

Holistic cloud visibility and control over increasingly complex environments are essential for successful deployments in various cloud scenarios, a Cloud Security Alliance and …

Organizations face operational deficiencies as they deal with hybrid IT complexities

While enterprises are taking advantage of cloud computing, all enterprises have on-going data center dependencies, a Pulse Secure report reveals. One fifth of respondents …

Is your perimeter inventory leaving you exposed? Why it’s time to switch from IP to DNS

Historically, security teams and tools have used IP addresses to define their targets and scopes. But in a world where applications and networks are increasingly cloud-hosted …

Global secure email gateway market growth driven by data loss prevention capabilities

The global secure email gateway market is expected to post a CAGR of over 14% during the period 2019-2023, according to the latest market research report by Technavio. A key …

Five ways automating IAM saves you money

Identity is the foundation of security, so a robust automated identity and access management (IAM) system is by far the best way to keep your company’s information safe. It’s …

Traditional approach to data security hindering digital transformation initiatives

Security professionals who adopted a more traditional or reactive approach to their data protection and security program did not believe they would reach their digital …

SD-WAN adoption growing as enterprises embrace app-centric architecture transition

The connected era and cloud-based environment have created a need to redesign network operations, according to ResearchAndMarkets. In addition, businesses find it …

Engineering teams are struggling because they’re missing the right automation

Driven by the trend of microservices creating complexity in code delivery and every company becoming a technology company, the software development community is under enormous …

On the path to Zero Trust security: Time to get started

No need to belabour the point. We all know that trying to defend the network perimeter is a bit futile in today’s mobile and cloud first world. So, the obvious question …

Ransomware and malware attacks decline, attackers adopting covert tactics

There has been a major decline in ransomware and malware attacks, with Ireland having some of the lowest rates globally, according to the latest report released by Microsoft. …

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