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Week in review: Oracle WebLogic zero-day under attack, a new way to improve network security

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Qualcomm chips leak crypto data from secure execution environment A vulnerability in Qualcomm …

Best practices when implementing SD-WAN

Telecoms is an overall complex business – delivering network circuits and optimizing connections – but SD-WAN has its own very specific set of obstacles. SD-WAN involves many …

Too fast, too insecure: Securing Mongo Express web administrative interfaces

Mongo Express is a lightweight web-based administrative interface deployed to manage MongoDB databases interactively. It is authored using Node.js, Express and Bootstrap …

Consumers trust banks most with their personal data, 68% still fear identity theft

People trust banks and other financial entities to safeguard their personal data more than other organizations. New nCipher Security research also illustrates how easily that …

Global spending on digital transformation to reach $1.18 trillion in 2019

Enterprises around the world are making significant investments in the technologies and services that enable the digital transformation (DX) of their business models, products …

Cybercriminals are becoming more methodical and adaptive

Cybercriminals are deviating towards a more focused approach against targets by using better obfuscation techniques and improved social engineering skills as organizations …

You can’t fix what you can’t see: A new way of looking at network performance

Network performance, or the service quality of a business’ network, is critical to running a successful enterprise. Imagine the cost to an organization when the corporate …

Employers should develop cybersecurity protocols and invest more in employee training programs

Organizations want to trust their employees when it comes to cybersecurity, but to do so, they need to better leverage technology. The ObserveIT global survey of 600 IT …

Researchers develop new tool for safety-critical software testing

We entrust our lives to software every time we step aboard a high-tech aircraft or modern car. A long-term research effort guided by two researchers at the National Institute …

Legacy infrastructures and unmanaged devices top security risks in the healthcare industry

The proliferation of healthcare IoT devices, along with unpartitioned networks, insufficient access controls and the reliance on legacy systems, has exposed a vulnerable …

Where data privacy executives plan to focus their strategies and budgets

Adapting to an increasingly volatile regulatory environment is the top priority for privacy executives, with only approximately four in 10 confident in their current abilities …

Nearly half of firms suffer data breaches at hands of vendors

As trusted partners, third-party vendors often become the overlooked or unwitting accomplice in criminal activities. As privacy laws and cybersecurity regulations continue to …

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