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Priorities IT pros follow to ensure ingrained privacy and compliance

Products that help businesses discover and map data flows top the list of purchase plans and the privacy team is playing a larger role in privacy tech purchasing decisions as …

What is and what is not working for security operations teams in securing cloud data

Security professionals continue to face a number of major challenges as more organizations move legacy IT operations to cloud infrastructure and applications, and traditional …

Annual spend on Mobile Edge Computing will reach $11.2 billion by 2024

Total annual spend on Mobile Edge Computing (the collection and analysis of data at the source of generation, at the Edge of the network, instead of a centralised location …

Week in review: Vaccinating algorithms against attacks, cybersecurity pros burning out

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and reviews: Anatomy of a ransomware attack: How attackers gain access to unstructured …

The biggest SecOps burdens hindering progress for enterprises and MSSPs

Only 16% of security operations professionals think that their SecOps programs have reached the highest maturity level, according to a Siemplify and Cyentia Institute study. …

Cybersecurity professionals are outgunned and burned out

Nearly half (48 percent total) of cybersecurity leaders across France, Germany and the UK believe their teams are falling behind in the skills race against would-be cyber …

Consumers believe privacy is not possible, leading to a change in online behavior

82% of online users in the US and 75% in the UK are choosing to change the way they behave online, according to a new consumer survey by FigLeaf. For these respondents, 74% …

Over reliance on public cloud vendor security puts data and companies at risk of breach

As global organizations increasingly move critical applications, regulated customer data and development work into public cloud environments, 36 percent say the number one …

Interoperability and security remain critical factors in any smart city deployment

Smart cities are expected to be commonplace within the next 10 years, according to a new poll by Wi-SUN Alliance. Over half of respondents expect to see widespread smart city …

Where are organizations stalling with cybersecurity best practices?

UK organizations are failing to make progress towards strong cybersecurity and are facing paralysis as cybercriminals become more advanced, according to NTT Security. …

Threat actors are doing their homework, researchers identify new impersonation techniques

There is an increase in three main areas: spoofed phishing attempts, HTTPS encryption in URL-based attacks, and cloud-based attacks focused on publicly hosted, trusted …

Anatomy of a ransomware attack: How attackers gain access to unstructured data

Ransomware isn’t a new phenomenon, but it’s effects are starting to be felt more widely, and more deeply than ever before. Behemoths like Sony, Nissan, FedEx, Kraft Foods and …

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