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DNSSEC fueling new wave of DNS amplification attacks

DNS amplification attacks swelled in the second quarter of this year, with the amplified attacks spiking more than 1,000% compared with Q2 2018, according to Nexusguard. …

Confidential data of 24.3 million patients discovered online

Greenbone Networks has released details of new research in to the security of the servers used by health providers across the world to store images of X-rays as well as CT, …

Businesses facing post breach financial fallout by losing customer trust

44% of Americans, 38% of Brits, 33% of Australians, and 37% of Canadians have been the victim of a data breach, according to newly released research conducted by PCI Pal. The …

What are the most connected countries around the world?

How connected a country is does not only mean how freely information can be reached or how many people have access to the internet or social media – it goes much further than …

Download: RFP templates for EDR/EPP and APT protection

Security decision makers need to address APT risks, but struggle with mapping APT attack vectors to a clear-cut set of security product capabilities, which impairs their …

Five ways to manage authorization in the cloud

The public cloud is being rapidly incorporated by organizations, allowing them to store larger amounts of data and applications with higher uptime and reduced costs, while at …

Researchers uncover 125 vulnerabilities across 13 routers and NAS devices

In a cybersecurity study of network attached storage (NAS) systems and routers, Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) found 125 vulnerabilities in 13 IoT devices, reaffirming …

BotSlayer tool can detect coordinated disinformation campaigns in real time

A new tool in the fight against online disinformation has been launched, called BotSlayer, developed by the Indiana University’s Observatory on Social Media. The …

Phishing attacks up, especially against SaaS and webmail services

Phishing attacks continued to rise into the summer of 2019 with cybercrime gangs’ focus on branded webmail and SaaS providers remaining very keen, according to the APWG …

Only 15% of organizations can recover from a severe data loss within an hour

There’s a global concern about the business impact and risk from rampant and unrestricted data growth, StorageCraft research reveals. It also shows that the IT …

Mini eBook: CCSP Practice Tests

The Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) shows you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to design, manage and secure data, applications and infrastructure …

Threat visibility is imperative, but it’s even more essential to act

Cyberthreats are escalating faster than many organizations can identify, block and mitigate them. Visibility into the expanding threat landscape is imperative, but according …

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