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Consumers would like to view internet connectivity as a trusted utility

CSPs are well positioned to capture a clearly defined opportunity by meeting their customers’ unmet need for protection against growing threats, such as phishing and malware, …

How to reduce the risk of third-party SaaS apps

Third-party SaaS apps (and extensions) can significantly extend the functionality and capabilities of an organization’s public cloud environment, but they can also …

NIST mask research
Face recognition software making progress at recognizing masked faces

A study of face recognition technology created after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic shows that some software developers have made demonstrable progress at recognizing …

Cloud-native benefits stifled by critical security and networking issues

While most organizations today are using cloud-native apps, Kubernetes and microservices, they struggle to secure and connect the complex environments resulting from them, a …

Network slicing market to reach $1,284 million by 2025

The global network slicing market size is projected to grow from $161 million in 2020 to $1,284 million by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 51.5% during the …

The three stages of security risk reprioritization

What began as a two-week remote working environment, due to COVID-19 has now stretched past the nine-month mark for many. The impact of telework on organizations can be felt …

Cloud native security: A maturing and expanding arena

At the recent KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020, I had the opportunity to take part in a keynote panel with a number of other cloud native security practitioners. We …

Consumers vastly misjudge the vulnerability of their home networks

Internet users in the United States vastly underestimate how often their home networks are targeted by cyber threats. That’s one of the key findings of a new Comcast report. …

Demand for private network deployments will be driven by heavy industry verticals

With enterprise 5G maturing, the importance of private networks for the enterprise domain will continue to grow. According to ABI Research, the demand for private network …

Why microlearning is the key to cybersecurity education

Cyber attacks are on the rise during this year of uncertainty and chaos. Increased working from home, online shopping, and use of social platforms to stay connected and sane …

Foiling RaaS attacks via active threat hunting

In this Help Net Security podcast, Jon DiMaggio, Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1, talks about the characteristic of attacks launched by Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) …

Malware may trick biologists into generating dangerous toxins in their labs

An end-to-end cyber-biological attack, in which unwitting biologists may be tricked into generating dangerous toxins in their labs, has been discovered by Ben-Gurion …

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