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Collaboration is the key to a secure world-class sporting event

Securing any world-class event is a massive undertaking that requires teams of security professionals to coordinate with each other and constantly share information. I’ve seen …

BluBracket Community Edition
BluBracket Community Edition: Detect and monitor secrets in code for free

BluBracket announced its Community Edition, a free, robust and automated tool for finding passwords, tokens and other security vulnerabilities in code. It uses a novel, …

The cost of synthetic fraud to reach new highs

A TransUnion research finds instances of synthetic fraud and outstanding balances for suspected synthetic accounts at U.S. financial institutions have declined significantly …

COVID-19 has increased urgency for businesses to adopt VSaaS and ACaaS

A research into the impact of COVID-19 on physical security purchasing decisions has revealed a sharp increase in the necessity/urgency for businesses to adopt hosted video …

Misplaced expectations securing water treatment systems

The cyber attack that tried to poison the drinking water system in Oldsmar, Florida is similar to last year’s attack on small water systems in Israel. Both attacks tried …

Your security technology is only as strong as your team

Businesses aren’t shy about investing in cybersecurity, but are organizations getting the maximum return on those investments? Too often, businesses focus their spending on …

Product showcase: USB-Lock-RP

USB ports in any organization’s network need to be controlled because connected devices such as USB drives and smartphones can be used to transfer malware to computers …

Most zoombombing incidents are inside jobs

Most zoombombing incidents are “inside jobs” according to a study featuring researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York. As the COVID-19 …

COVID-19 impact on SecOps: Increased threats, greater investments in automation

Siemplify released a research that studies how the sudden shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has affected SecOps analysts’ ability to perform their jobs and the …

5G networks to incite job growth and boost GDP

5G networks could create about 4.5 million jobs in the US and add roughly $1.5 trillion to the country’s GDP, according to BCG. The analysis shows that 5G will …

Cobalt SecTalks
Get your free ticket to Cobalt’s SecTalks virtual conference

How can military experience help build resilience in information security? What lessons in perseverance and resilience can we pick up from an aerospace consultant who learned …

Three ways MITRE ATT&CK can improve your organizational security

There’s a good reason everyone’s talking about MITRE ATT&CK: it’s an objective, third-party standard with which organizations can measure their own detection coverage, as …

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