Help Net Security
Advanced Host Detection – Techniques To Validate Host-Connectivity
This paper will attempt to describe techniques used to discover heavily filtered and firewalled hosts, that will not answer to standard PING responses. It is assumed that the …
Results of the Security in ActiveX Workshop
On August 22-23, 2000, the CERT Coordination Center hosted a workshop in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for twenty invited experts to address security issues related to ActiveX …
The ABC of computer security
This White Paper gives an introduction to computer security and its significance for businesses, followed by an alphabetical guide to common security measures and threats. …
Unverified Fields – A Problem with Firewalls & Firewall Technology Today
The following problem (as discussed in this paper) has not yet been identified. Certain firewalls today, will not authenticate the validity of certain protocol fields, within …
Using Conservation of Flow as a Security Mechanism in Network Protocols
The law of Conservation of Flow, which states that an input must either be absorbed or sent on as an output (possibly with modification), is an attractive tool with which to …
Survey 2000 – Security Focused
New research confirms that corporations are spending more and more money on securing their digital information, but cybersecurity breaches continue to climb anyway. According …
Quantum Cryptography
This tutorial will give you a basic idea about quantum cryptography. Download the tutorial in ZIP format here.
Mail Abuse Prevention Organization stands up to giant Harris Interactive
Mail Abuse Prevention System, the Redwood City based anti-spam organization, says that it will vigorously defend the law suit filed by online market research giant Harris …
Computer Security Weaknesses Persist at the Veterans Health Administration
In September 1998, the General Accounting Office reported that computer security weaknesses placed critical VA operations, including health care delivery, at risk of misuse …
Interpreting Network Traffic: A Network Intrusion Detector’s Look At Suspicious Events
The purpose of this paper is to discuss interpretations of selected network traffic events from the viewpoint of a network intrusion detection analyst. I assume the analyst …
Building a Bastion Host Using HP-UX 11
A bastion host is a computer system that is exposed to attack, and may be a critical component in a network security system. Special attention must be paid to these highly …
Network Intrusion Detection of Third Party Effects
The main goal of this paper is to familiarize the reader with reactions and responses from innocent victims, who may be subject to reconnaissance or denial of service. If a …