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Organizations remain ill-prepared for ransomware attacks

A Zerto study – conducted by ESG – shows that ransomware attacks remain a major concern for organizations. In fact, nearly three-quarters of organizations …

What’s a vCISO and why does your company need one?

In this video for Help Net Security, Jeff Hoskins, vCISO at BARR Advisory, explains the concept of a vCISO, which stands for virtual chief information security officer, and …

Crypto-related phishing and how to avoid it

In this video for Help Net Security, Michael Aminov, Chief Architect at Perception Point, talks about a recent Binance impersonation attack and, more broadly, the ongoing …

Law legislation
The evolving role of the lawyer in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most dynamic fields of law. Long gone are the days when organizations could rely entirely on defensive measures within their own environments for …

Keeper Security
Product Showcase: Keeper Security’s Enterprise Password Management platform

People often speak of cybersecurity as a technology challenge. But protecting data and IT infrastructure is also very much a matter of human behavior. Eighty-five percent of …

How ready are organizations to manage and recover from a ransomware attack?

Zerto announced the findings of a ransomware study, revealing that gaps in readiness are seriously impacting the ability of many organizations to manage and recover from …

IT leaders require deeper security insights to confidently manage multi-cloud workloads

Gigamon released recent findings from a study which surveyed IT and InfoSec leaders to identify challenges associated with advancing their multi-cloud strategies. …

open source
Challenges development teams face when building applications with open source

Tidelift released a report providing critical insights into the state and practice of open source software supply chain management. This comprehensive study of nearly 700 …

Digital ID verification: Using a mobile device to prove your identity

It’s important to understand that passwords are not passports. Using biometrics, which is a great security advancement, is not the same as identity, says Leonard …

Moving towards defense in depth under the gray skies of conflict

The war in Ukraine is in the second month of bloodshed and the broader impact of the conflict is being felt across the globe, as markets react to increased fuel prices and the …

The state of coordinated vulnerability disclosure policies in EU

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes a map of national coordinated vulnerability disclosure (CVD) policies in the EU Member States and makes …

open source
81% of codebases contain known open source vulnerabilities

Synopsys released a report which examines the results of more than 2,400 audits of commercial and proprietary codebases from merger and acquisition transactions, and …

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