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Antigen 7.0 for Domino Now Available for AIX and Sun Solaris Platforms
East Northport, NY¯(January 26, 2004)¯ Sybari Software, Inc., the authority in secure messaging and collaboration, today announced it has expanded platform support …
Mydoom Worm Spreading Fast, Sophos Warns
Worm creates possessed zombie army to attack SCO website Sophos, a world leader in protecting businesses against spam and viruses, is warning of a new worm called MyDoom …
New “Mydoom” Worm Launching a World-Wide Attack
F-Secure is warning email users around the world about a new Windows worm which is spreading rapidly. The new worm, known as Mydoom or Novarg, is spreading through email …
Central Command Warns of New Worm Named Worm/MyDoom
First serious virus outbreak in 2004, feared to top Sobig.F as most prevalent Internet worm and become all time leader in just days Central Command, a leading provider of PC …
Don’t Believe Your Browser – It Could Be Dumaru
Kaspersky Labs, a leading information security software developer, warns users about three new modifications of Dumaru, an email worm: versions j, .k and .l. The unusual …
Panda Software reports the new Mimail.Q worm
– It tries to steal confidential information by displaying a form that passes itself off as a Microsoft form – This malicious code is designed to spread rapidly …
Secure Web Based Mail Services
What do field sales people, home teleworkers, medical personnel, and any one working remotely from a central site have in common? A need for up to the minute information. One …
Trusecure’s New IntelliShield Early Warning System Ends the Era of Reactive Threat Management
Company Launches First Product to Integrate Asset-Based Vulnerability, Threat and Remediation Intelligence into a Proactive Threat Management Solution Herndon, VA – …
Utimaco Increases Revenues and Result in the 2nd Quarter of the Financial Year 2003/2004
Oberursel, January 26, 2004 – In the second quarter (October – December) of the financial year 2003/2004 Utimaco Safeware has continued its positive business …
Sophos EM Library Enables Automatic Anti-Virus Updates Across Multiple Platforms
Sophos, a world leader in anti-virus and anti-spam protection for businesses, today unveiled its new automated virus protection tool, Enterprise Manager (EM) Library. With EM …
Weekly virus report – Bagle.A, StartPage.AB and StartPage.AC
Today we are going to focus on Bagle.A, which spread around the globe at the beginning of this week, and on two Trojans belonging to the same family: StartPage.AB and …
An Introduction To SQL Injection Attacks For Oracle Developers
Most application developers underestimate the risk of SQL injection attacks against web applications that use Oracle as the back-end database. This paper is intended for …