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Registration Opens for the 2005 O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference

Sebastopol, CA–Registration has just opened for the next O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, aka ETech, happening March 14-17, 2005 in San Diego, California. …

Kaspersky Lab Releases Maintenance Pack 2 for Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 5.0

Kaspersky Lab, a leading information security software developer, announces the release of beta-testing of Maintenance Pack 2 for Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 5.0. The pack …

New Dekart Private Disk 2.04 with Customization and Password Recovery Tools

December, 3 – Dekart ( announces the release of version 2.04 of Dekart Private Disk, a popular user-friendly disk encryption software using 256-bit AES …

Consumers Prepared To Pay Extra For Clean And Safe Internet Services

London, 3rd December, 2004 – StreamShield Networksâ„? – the leader in real-time, high performance internet content security solutions – today announces …

Netsky And Bagle Make The Games – November Evil Top Ten

Paris, France, 2 December 2004 – The year is ending in style, with a new influx of mass mailers set to disrupt communications, steal credit card numbers, send spam and …

Weekly Report on Viruses and Intruders – Mugly.A and Gaobot.BXG- Worms, Jabbit.A and Skulls.B Trojans

This week’s report looks at two worms -Mugly.A and Gaobot.BXG-, a virus called Jabbit.A, the Skulls.B Trojan and an application called pcAudit. Mugly.A is a worm that …

Innovative Anti-Surveillance Tool To Help Take Control Over PC And Prevent Intrusion

Neuber GbR, an innovator in security software technologies, today announced the release of version 1.6 of Security Task Manager. As distinct from the standard Windows Task …

Controversial Lycos Anti-Spam Screensaver Put On Hold, Reports Sophos

The website hosting Lycos Europe’s controversial “Make Love Not Spam” screensaver, which attempted to hit back at websites owned by spammers by generating …

Panda Software Releases The Beta Versions of its New Corporate Products with TruPrevent Technologies

Panda Software has announced the availability of the beta versions of its new range of products for protecting corporate environments BusinesSecure with TruPrevent …

Top 10 Viruses Most Frequently Detected by Panda ActiveScan in November 2004

November has been an erratic month in terms of virus activity. Although in general it has been relatively quiet, there has been some cause for concern, such as the appearance …

Top 10 Viruses and Hoaxes Reported to Sophos in November 2004

Sophos, a world leader in protecting businesses against spam and viruses, has published a report revealing the top ten viruses and hoaxes causing problems for businesses …

Sygate chosen by British American Tobacco to protect its corporate client devices

Amersham, UK, 02 December 2004 – Sygate, the endpoint security market leader announces today that it has been chosen by British American Tobacco (BAT) to protect its MS …

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