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Suspected Phishing Gang Chief Apprehended In Brazil

According to media reports, federal police in Brazil have arrested Valdir Paulo de Almeida, the suspected leader of a gang that stole USD 37 million from its victims’ …

UK tops league of top bot countries according to Symantec Internet Security Threat Report

The UK has emerged as the country with the highest percentage of worldwide bot-infected computers, according to the latest Symantec Internet Security Threat Report. Britain …

Checkbridge and Cloudmark Partner to Provide Spam and Fraud-Free Email for Internet Service Providers

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – March, 18 – Cloudmark® Inc., the company that delivers the immune system for email and Checkbridge, the managed email filtering company, today …

Freedom From Security

Enterprises are no longer restricted to the networked systems bounded by the building in which the company is housed. Modern enterprises span the globe and employees can …

Utimaco Welcomes Export Initiative for German IT Security Industry from Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour

London, 18 March 2005 – When it comes to IT security solutions, German companies are often technological leaders at home, but with a few exceptions, are rarely …

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for Microsoft ISA Server 2000 Enterprise Edition Receives Miscrosoft ISA Server 2000 Test Certificate

Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content management solutions, announces that the company’s recently released Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for Microsoft ISA …

Comodo – Establishing Trust Initiative for e-Business

New York – March 16th, 2005 – Comodo Inc., the world’s second largest and fastest growing High Assurance CA (Certification Authority), today moved one step …

Demystifying the Black Art of Security: Energis Gives Big Businesses a Helping Hand

With security commonly seen now as a “black art” and breaches a daily occurrence, Energis is urging big businesses to call in its new expert security team to …

CipherTrust Restructures Channel Programme To Increase European Revenue By 200 Per Cent

March 16, 2005: CipherTrust, Inc., the leader in messaging security, today announced it is officially restructuring its European channel model on a local level, to respond …

Writing an Incident Handling and Recovery Plan

Introduction While many websites and papers discuss incident handling and incident response plans, aside from RFC 2350 very few of these lay out exactly what an actual plan …

MessageLabs Group CEO Wins “Technology Entrepreneur of the Year’ at 2005 UK Technology Innovation & Growth Awards

London, 16 March 2005 – Ben White, CEO of MessageLabs Group, one of the UK’s leading privately held managed technology services companies, was last night …

Mobile Video Products, a Division of MDI, Launches New Mobile Digital Video Recording Surveillance System

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS – March 15, 2005, MDI Security Systems, the foundation of MDI, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDII), a recognized leader in delivering open, integrated security …

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