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Double Password security manager announced

Refog Software announces the release of Double Password, a new security manager, which creates your security token on your flash drive (or other USB gadget, such as an MP3 …

ICICI Bank phishing scam targets customers in india

Phishing is a relatively new phenomenon in India, though United States, South America and Europe have been reeling under its impact for years now. The new scam mail targeting …

Chronicle of malware detected in the first half of 2006

Although there were no significant epidemics during the first six months of 2006, an extraordinary number of new malicious codes have emerged. This situation responds to the …

Sophos: because of malware home users should switch to Macs

Sophos has published new research into the past six months of cyber crime. The Sophos Security Threat Management Report Update reveals that while there has been a vast drop in …

Survey reveals end point security loophole 49% fail to lock down devices

End point security which is a key component in the information security defences of organisations, is being totally overlooked by a significant number of organisations, …

Limiting Vulnerability Exposure Through Effective Patch Management

This paper aims to provide a complete discussion on vulnerability and patch management. It looks first at the trends relating to vulnerabilities, exploits, attacks and …

New worm holds no genuine advantage for Windows users

Experts at SophosLabs, Sophos‘s global network of virus, spyware and spam analysis centres, have warned of a worm that disguises itself as Microsoft’s anti-piracy …

DNSChanger redirects users to fake bank websites

You want to pay up your credit card account immediately, as you just remembered that today is the due date. After getting on to your bank’s website by carefully typing …

The largest network security event in Asia

Hack In The Box has announced that it will once again be hosting the industry’s most anticipated annual security conference, HITBSecConf2006, in Kuala Lumpur at The …

Weekly report on the latest vendor security advisories

SUSE Security Announcement – SUSE Security Summary Report (SUSE-SR:2006:015) Fedora Legacy Update Advisory – Updated thunderbird package fixes security issues …

Weekly report on the latest Linux security software releases

GnuPG 1.4.4 GnuPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard and is GNU’s tool for secure communication and data storage. MaraDNS 1.2.10 MaraDNS is a DNS server that strives to be …

Securing Wireless, Remote and Mobile Computing – Quick Fixes

The rapid growth of wireless, remote and mobile computing is creating a significant increase in the risks that organisations face. All the indications are that this growth …

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