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How to improve public sector’s security strategy?

With international tensions heightened as we enter month eight of the war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s clear that a new era of intensifying state-sponsored attacks …

How serious are organizations about their data sovereignty strategies?

Scality announced the results of an independent survey of IT decision makers across France, Germany, the UK, and the US about their data sovereignty strategies. 98% of …

Most organizations consolidate to improve risk posture

A recent survey by Gartner found that 75% of organizations are pursuing security vendor consolidation in 2022, up from 29% in 2020. “Security and risk management leaders are …

linux backdoor
Linux variant of the SideWalk backdoor discovered

ESET researchers have discovered a Linux variant of the SideWalk backdoor, one of the multiple custom implants used by the SparklingGoblin APT group. Commands with different …

Developers are struggling to keep up with ongoing security activities

Security Compass has published the results of a research study examining developer views on application security, including the challenges and opportunities they face in their …

Organizations lack visibility into unauthorized public cloud data access

Laminar released findings from its 2022 Security Professional Insight Survey conducted at AWS re:Inforce in July 2022 and Black Hat in August 2022. The research revealed gaps …

Q-Day doesn’t equal doomsday: Enacting an enterprise quantum security strategy

While Quantum Day, or “Q-Day,” may be five to ten years away, it is arriving faster than we would like. Q-Day represents the day that quantum computers will reliably use the …

6 key challenges technologists are facing today

Every organization that interacts with customers or consumers via web and mobile applications, and also as they transition to a hybrid workspace, means that they are …

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SMBs are hardest-hit by ransomware

Coalition announced the mid-year update to its 2022 Cyber Claims Report detailing the evolution of cyber trends, revealinig that small businesses have become bigger targets, …

Backlogs larger than 100K+ vulnerabilities but too time-consuming to address

Rezilion and Ponemon Institute announced the release of “The State of Vulnerability Management in DevSecOps,” which reveals that organizations are losing thousands of hours in …

social media
Thwarting attackers in their favorite new playground: Social media

For years, LinkedIn has been utilized by threat actors looking to refine their attacks. From simple spear-phishing attacks to reconnaissance, the professional networking site …

Cyber attack trends vs. growing IT complexity

Ransomware is still the biggest threat to many organizations out there. Many organizations have fallen and you would think they’ve learned from it, but most companies …

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