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Image Risk scanner for enterprise email

PixAlert has released ImageGuard MailAssessor, a downloadable tool (30 day trial) which allows companies to rapidly check for potential image risk in their email systems. …

Endpoint productivity advances with Anti-Executable 3.0

Faronics released Anti-Executable 3.0 which ensures total endpoint productivity by only allowing approved applications to run on a computer. Any other programs – whether …

Mac OS X backdoor trojan

OSX/AsTHT.A backdoor Trojan is designed to affect Apple operating systems such as MacOS, Leopard or Tiger. When run, the backdoor Trojan uses an Apple Remote Desktop Agent …

New SonicWALL Email Security tackles Non-Delivery Report spam

SonicWALL announced SonicWALL Email Security 6.2, which features the Bounce-Address-Tag-Validation (BATV) specification to combat an increase in Non-Delivery Report (NDR) spam …

Barracuda plans SourceFire acquisition, discussion update #2

Here is a discussion between Barracuda and SourceFire regarding possible acquisition of the latter. #1 – Baracuda CEO e-mail to Joseph R. Chinnici from Sourcefire. June …

Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) struck in latest malware attack

Sophos is warning computer users of the importance of scanning all web traffic for malware following the discovery that webpages on the Association of Tennis Professionals …

Enhanced security for World of Warcraft accounts

Blizzard introduced an optional extra layer of security for World of Warcraft. Designed to attach to a keychain, the lightweight and waterproof Blizzard Authenticator is an …

Agnitum announces new Outpost 2009 products for the summer

In the latest issue of Agnitum Directions newsletter, the company announced that over the summer they are planning major new versions of their Outpost product line. Outpost …

Intelligent access control for wireless LANs

Trapeze Networks introduces SmartPass 7.0, the access management platform for Trapeze NonStop Wireless networking products. SmartPass 7.0 gives network managers precise …

Durable new high-performance fingerprint sensor

AuthenTec released the AES2550 fingerprint sensor which is optimized for PCs and peripherals, offering fingerprint imaging, sensor durability and ESD protection. The AES2550 …

VoIPshield uncovers more VoIP security vulnerabilities

VoIPshield made its second announcement of security vulnerabilities in Voice over IP systems marketed by Avaya, Cisco and Nortel. This brings the total number of vulnerability …

Secure USB token for passwords and network identities

SCM Microsystems announced CHIPDRIVE MyKey, a new, highly secure USB device that makes it safer and easier for people to access the Internet and information networks. Based on …

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