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popular programming languages
The 25 most popular programming languages and trends

CircleCI released the 2022 State of Software Delivery report, which examines two years of data from more than a quarter billion workflows and nearly 50,000 organizations …

open source security
Open-source software usage slowing down for fear of vulnerabilities, exposures, or risks

Anaconda released its annual 2022 State of Data Science report, revealing the widespread trends, opportunities, and perceived blockers facing the data science, machine …

How can organizations benefit from full-stack observability?

New Relic published the 2022 Observability Forecast report, which captures insights into the current state of observability, its growth potential, and the benefits of …

How safe is the cloud infrastructure of educational institutions?

83% of educational organizations confirmed they store sensitive data in the cloud. With educators and students constantly sharing that information, they are more concerned …

High severity vulnerabilities found in Harbor open-source artifact registry

Oxeye security researchers have uncovered several new high severity variants of the IDOR (Insecure Director Object Reference) vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-31671, CVE-2022-31666, …

Securing your Apple device front through unified endpoint management

Apple has always touted the security and privacy capabilities of their devices. Being responsible for both the hardware and the associated OS has allowed Apple to create a …

The impact of location-based fraud

In this Help Net Security video, André Ferraz, CEO at Incognia, talks about the impact of location-based fraud, which is more prevalent than one would imagine, and it impacts …

Crypto giveaway scams continue to escalate

Group-IB has noted a fivefold increase in the number of domains used for crypto giveaway scams that involve fake YouTube streams in the first half of 2022. In addition to …

insider threat
What do SOC analysts need to be successful?

Gurucul announced the results of a Black Hat USA 2022 security professionals survey with respondents indicating that insider threats were the most difficult type of attack for …

Most critical security gaps in the public cloud

Orca Security released the 2022 State of the Public Cloud Security Report, which provides important insights into the current state of public cloud security and where the most …

week in review
Week in review: Uber hacked, QNAP NAS devices under attack, 5 Kali Linux books to read this year

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: Thousands of QNAP NAS devices hit by DeadBolt ransomware (CVE-2022-27593) …

Why shift left is burdening your dev teams

Security and compliance challenges are a significant barrier to most organizations’ innovation strategies, according to CloudBees. The survey also reveals agreement among …

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Cybersecurity news