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New approach to defending against WLAN parking lot attacks

Meru Networks has introduced RF Barrier, the first IEEE 802.11-based technology for proactively defending wireless networks against eavesdroppers and “parking lot” …

Sophos to launch EUR 217 million offer for Utimaco

Sophos today announced its intent to acquire Utimaco Safeware AG. Sophos intends to launch a voluntary public takeover offer in cash for all outstanding Utimaco shares. …

Malicious spam campaigns continues with Rustock botnet

According to experts from Marshal’s TRACE team, emails with exploitive headlines mentioning George Bush, Microsoft and Al Qaeda in their subject lines are part of a …

Security flaws in online banking sites

More than 75 percent of the bank Web sites surveyed in a University of Michigan study had at least one design flaw that could make customers vulnerable to cyber thieves after …

Get rid of malware with F-Secure Rescue CD

F-Secure Rescue CD 3.00 scans the computer and renames all files containing malware to .virus file extension. Rescue CD by default scans all hard drives in the computer, all …

New book: “Google Apps: The Missing Manual”

O’Reilly released the newest addition to their “Missing Manual” series with a detailed look into Google Apps. Google Apps: The Missing Manual teaches you how …

New high-end home chip and PIN security solution

XIRING today unveiled the Xi-Sign 5000, a Home Chip and PIN security solution for e-banking and e-commerce, specifically designed for premier customers. The Xi-Sign 5000 has …

Top internal network threats in 2008 so far

Promisec announced its findings from security audits of more than 100,000 corporate endpoints. These audits were conducted in the first six months of 2008 in enterprises of …

IPsec security toolkit optimized for new Intel EP80579 integrated processors

SafeNet announced that the company’s industry-proven IPsec security toolkit, QuickSec/IPsec, has been optimized specifically for the new Intel EP80579 Integrated …

Security Policy Considerations for Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds increasingly offer significant outreach and business development opportunities to companies, governments, and the world at large. These virtual worlds – …

False Formula 1 crash news report spreads a trojan

An email message announcing a false accident suffered by the F1 racer Fernando Alonso is being used to spread the Banker.LGC Trojan. This false email informs the recipient …

Business websites attacked, office workers at risk, Web 2.0 threats

Thousand of webpages belonging to Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and schools have been infected, putting visiting surfers at risk of infection and identity theft. …

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