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Findings of the E-threats landscape report

Eighty percent of malware distributed worldwide consisted of Trojans according to the “E-Threats Landscape Report,” the first in a series of comprehensive security …

Emergency workarounds for Oracle’s zero-day vulnerability

Recently an exploit has become publicly available which may impact the availability, confidentiality or integrity of WebLogic Server applications which use the Apache web …

Fake JetBlue eTickets come with malware

The most common way a user gets infected these days is through drive-by downloads and while the prevalence of malicious email attachments definately has gone down, this trend …

US is the most prolific source of spam and viruses

The US has continued its rule as the most prevalent source of spam and viruses, according to threat statistics analysed by managed security company, Network Box. The country …

SCADA security incidents will become more prevalent

Lumeta today warned that, as industries connect their previously isolated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems to their larger TCP/IP networks to gain …

Forensics on the fly with ArcSight Logger

ArcSight announced a new release of ArcSight that provides “forensics on the fly.” This capability, now available across the entire ArcSight SIEM platform, enables …

PhishLock pro-active anti-phishing solution

SentryBay has launched PhishLock, a real-time solution which protects users of a company’s web site from phishing attacks. PhishLock offers protection in real-time and …

DeepNines wins patent lawsuit against McAfee

Deep Nines Inc. announced today that it won its patent infringement lawsuit against competitor McAfee, Inc. On July 15, 2008, a unanimous jury in the Beaumont Division of the …

Denial of service vulnerability in Firefox 3

Radware announced it has found a vulnerability that may cause application Denial of Service (DoS) in Firefox 3, Mozilla’s latest Web browser application. Discovered by …

As credit crunch continues, biometrics bucks the trend

Market analysis from ABI research predicts that increased interest and investment in a variety of biometric technologies is set to push total spending to £3.7 billion by …

“NASA hacker” loses extradition appeal in House of Lords

The so-called ‘NASA hacker’ from North London, is now expected to continue his fight against extradition in the European courts.  Today’s verdict comes …

First automated DNSSEC signing application

Secure64 Software Corporation has developed a product that simplifies the implementation and management of DNSSEC. Secure64 DNS Signer is the first and only product that …

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