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SPF/DKIM use on the decline among Fortune 500s
For those not familiar with Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM), these are two forgery countermeasures that can be used by anyone looking to …
Application whitelisting solution for Point-of-Sale
Bit9 announced Bit9 Parity for POS, a way for retailers and any company with a POS system or kiosk to control and secure information as well as help with PCI DSS compliance. …
Secure video and audio for enhanced protection
Lorex launched its new ultra digital wireless technology which provides secure video and audio. The encrypted frequency hopping technology guarantees privacy and prevents …
Back to school tips to protect your identity
Millions of Americans will be returning to school and many now use computers in the classroom and home. Computers are one of the largest and potentially risky sources of …
Laptop with Trusted Traveler Identities was never stolen
Verified Identity Pass confirmed that it recovered the laptop from its office at the San Francisco Airport that it had reported missing to authorities and the Transportation …
Password stealing trojan on the loose
Security experts at MicroWorld have reported an alarming increase in the number of infections caused by the ZBot-D Trojan. The ZBot-D Trojan also known as ZBot, first surfaced …
Phishing email targets Microsoft POP3 user data
Symantec has observed a new fraud attack targeting Microsoft POP3 users. The email claims that recipients have a POP3 setting problem and need to click on the URL in the email …
Spammers’ bullseye: Obama, McCain and the Olympic Games
Using recent news events such as Obama’s trip to Europe, the US Presidential Campaign and the anticipation of the Olympic Games which begins August 8th in China, …
July web security, spam, viruses and phishing highlights
Web security: Analysis of Web security activity shows that 83.4 percent of all web-based malware intercepted was new in July. MessageLabs also identified an average of 3,968 …
Updated Linux based system lock-down and security management solution
Trusted Computer Solutions, a developer of security applications that run on the Linux OS, announced new compliance features for both the standalone and enterprise versions of …
Citrix Ready biometrics
IdentiPHI announced its flagship enterprise security software product, SAFsolution 5, has been verified as Citrix Ready. The Citrix Ready program helps customers identify …
A new approach to wireless hacking – warcarting
You’ve gone wardriving, warwalking, warbiking, warflying, warrocketing, warballooning, and warboating, but you’ve never gone warcarting. Warcarting: the low-end …
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Don't miss
- Report: The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025
- APTs have been using zero-day Windows shortcut exploit for eight years (ZDI-CAN-25373)
- Moving beyond checkbox security for true resilience
- Dependency-Check: Open-source Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool
- Protecting your iCloud data after Apple’s Advanced Data Protection removal in the UK