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Encrypting against DHS’s new laptop search policy
Computer security has never been more necessary. In the past, the threat of a security breach has come in the form of thieves: stolen laptops and PDAs, identity theft, and the …
New Surveillint physical security solution for policy-based incident discover
Proximex, developers of solutions for the physical security information management market, announced today that it has released Proximex Surveillint 3.5. With its new Business …
BusinessWeek website attacked and hosts malware
Folks from Sophos have discovered that the website of BusinessWeek, the world famous weekly magazine, has been attacked by hackers in an attempt to infect its readership with …
Spammers threaten to “disconnect your internet”
Samples of a malicious campaign intercepted by SophosLabs carry the subject line “Your internet access is going to get suspended’ from the sender “ICS …
Barack Obama Sex Video malware attack video
In this video Sophos describes how hackers are sending out malicious spam emails, trying to infect internet users with the lure of a sex video of presidential candidate Barack …
Spam stats for August: origins, categories and percentage
Worldwide Internet Mail Gateway Spam Percentage represents the number of messages that were processed and classified as spam versus the total number of messages processed when …
New Defiance Suite with enchanced mainframe data protection capabilities
Protegrity Corporation released Defiance Security Suite 4.5, the latest version of its award-winning data protection solution. The company broadens its mainframe data …
Partnership with Adobe for advanced electronic signature of documents
European electronic signature solutions provider Cryptolog has announced that it has signed a partnership agreement with Adobe to provide technology permitting the advanced …
Malware claims UK suffers nuclear explosion
Sophos has discovered a widespread spam campaign that claims that a powerful explosion occurred at a nuclear power station located in the suburbs of London on the afternoon of …
91% of organizations perceive cybercrime as a major business risk
Finjan announced the findings of its Web security survey of 1387 IT/Security professionals conducted during July 2008. The results reveal that an overwhelming number of …
Malware that creates fake YouTube pages for infecting users
PandaLabs has detected YTFakeCreator, a program used by cyber-crooks to create fake YouTube pages to infect users with malware. The infection method is as follows: …
Mac OS X privacy software gets an update
Mireth released a new 4.2 version of NetShred X, their easy to use internet track eraser that erases internet tracks, such as cache, history and email. NetShred X runs on Mac …