Help Net Security
Anti-phishing best practices recommendations for domain registrars
The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), in consultation with the ICANN Registrar Constituency and several domain name registrars, has published a “best practices” …
List of Halloween themed malware
Read on for the PandaLabs list of malicious malware programs that focus on Halloween: Tixcet.A: Disguised as a Microsoft Word file, this worm will try to turn Halloween into a …
New book: “Web Security Testing Cookbook”
Web Security Testing Cookbook is a hands-on, recipe-style reference for web software developers and testers. The recipes show how to check for the most common web security …
Top brass of hackers and IT security meet in Austria for DeepSec conference
DeepSec takes place in Vienna for the second time now and is set on creating a conference for hackers, companies, IT security staff and scientists as a  forum to exchange …
ID Analytics releases online fraud prevention capabilities
ID Analytics released an enhanced version of ID Score, an identity fraud risk score. This latest version introduces a breakthrough in fraud protection for transactions …
Card reader with optical interface facilitates user acceptance
VASCO Data Security International announces Digipass 835, a card reader of which the user-acceptance is guaranteed through the new optical interface which facilitates data …
PCI Sample Encryption Key Management Documentation
In the four years since merchants were required to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS), CTG has found many clients still struggling with …
Lab tests prove that personal records are leaking out of companies
Patient health records, social security numbers, bank account numbers and internal auditing procedures are examples of the kinds of information that is unknowingly …
Microsoft “Geneva” beta available now
The Federated Identity “Geneva” team is happy to announce the release of Microsoft code name “Geneva”, an open platform for simplified user access …
IPTV vulnerability and robustness testing solution
Codenomicon unveiled its DEFENSICS for IPTV solution. Based on the unique Codenomicon DEFENSICS Robustness and Security test platform and designed to work with all existing …
Secure Microsoft Office documents
Document Security Systems announced and launched the customer-ready release of AuthentiGuard DX, its innovative digital information security technology. AuthentiGuard DX is a …
Client Lifecycle Management for secure and virtualized environments
FrontRange Solutions launched its latest Client Lifecycle solution, Enteo v6 SR2, which helps organizations extend management of their IT systems to include secure zones and …