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MozyPro online backup for Mac-powered businesses

Decho Corporation announced the MozyPro for Mac online backup service. Tailored for businesses using Mac desktops, notebooks and servers, MozyPro for Mac provides simple, …

10Gb aggregator switch with bypass capabilities from Interface Masters

Interface Masters Technologies introduced a new family of 10 Gigabit (10Gb) products targeted for Networking Inline Devices, Security Appliances and Central Office …

Slackware 12.2 comes with enhancements

Slackware 12.2 combines Slackware’s legendary simplicity (and close tracking of original sources), stability, and security with some of the latest advances in Linux …

Advanced multi-factor authentication from IdentiPHI

IdentiPHI announced expanded functionality for its authentication product, SAFsolution 5 Enterprise Edition. The newest 5.4 version broadens the options and capability …

The top 10 2008 holiday Web threats

The season of giving may come at a price as cybercriminals take advantage of one of the busiest online retail seasons of the year and rely upon various social engineering …

VIA releases the ARTiGO A2000 barebone storage server

VIA Technologies announced the ARTiGO A2000 barebone storage mini-server. The perfect balance of size and space, the ARTiGO A2000 packs terabytes of storage capacity within a …

Google releases the Browser Security Handbook

Google released the Browser Security Handbook to the general public. The 60-page document provides a comprehensive comparison of a broad set of security features and …

The P2PShared.U worm is using new tricks to infect users’ computers

PandaLabs has detected an email message claiming to be a special Christmas offer from McDonald’s, but which really spreads the P2PShared.U worm. The email subject is …

New Word vulnerability if exploited could allow full system access and control

Palo Alto Networks announced that its Threat Research Team discovered one of the six critical vulnerabilities communicated in Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday security bulletin …

What To Do About Social Networking In Your Company

The growing popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace is slowly developing into a massive headache for IT administrators as employees spend time …

Survey reveals link between privileged users and breaches

Imperva announced that key findings in a new independent benchmark report conducted by Aberdeen Group reveal that monitoring privileged database users significantly reduces …

European mobile operators aren’t protecting users against spam

Cloudmark announced the results of a recent survey, which finds that 100 percent of the top 12 mobile operators in Europe anticipate mobile spam volumes to rise as adoption of …

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