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Firewalls with data leak prevention functionality

Palo Alto Networks’ family of next-generation firewalls has a new content security capability – offered at no additional cost to customers – enabling …

Video: the botnet security problem

Cisco fellow and security researcher Patrick Peterson expounds on the “botnet” security problem in today’s connected world.

Cisco report spotlights worldwide cyber security threats

Cisco released a security report that warns that Internet-based attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and specialized as profit-driven criminals continue to hone …

The MiFi ultra portable mobile hotspot

Novatel Wireless unveiled MiFi, a line of Intelligent Mobile Hotspots. Together with a rich applications environment for enterprises and consumers, MiFi drives a new ecosystem …

Lavasoft releases Anti-Virus Helix

Lavasoft unveiled Anti-Virus Helix, a stand-alone security tool designed to address the rapidly changing malware landscape. This new product delivers comprehensive protection …

The BankerFox banker Trojan, the Azero.B virus and the P2PShared.U worm

This week’s PandaLabs report looks at the BankerFox banker Trojan, the Azero.B virus and the P2PShared.U worm, distributed through a fake McDonald’s email message. …

Video: End of year security wrap-up 2008

In the video below, experts from F-Secure offer their view on what happened in 2008.

Apache MINA version 2.0.0-M4 comes with improvements and features

The Apache MINA project team released the new Milestone of Apache MINA version 2.0.0-M4, a code freeze version. Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps …

Top 9 IT security threats for 2009

2009 will continue the trend of increasing size, scope, and concentration of security attacks on computer networks nationwide. The volume of attacks from international sources …

Your antivirus can be a door for hackers

iViZ has announced that it has discovered new classes of vulnerabilities in many popular commercial and open source antivirus software. These vulnerabilities can potentially …

Addonics announces network attached storage adapter

Addonics Technologies released the Addonics NAS (network attached storage) adapter, a low-cost way ($55) to add USB storage devices onto a local area network. Once on the …

Wire transfer services are at high risk of cybercrime

Panda Security announced the findings from its multi-year security assessment of business services for U.S. immigrants. These multiservice businesses, primarily used by U.S. …

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