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Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released

Debian GNU/Linux version 5.0 (codenamed “Lenny”) has been unveiled after 22 months of constant development. Debian is a free OS which supports a total of twelve …

Fujitsu solution for bandwidth burdened networks

Fujitsu announced today its new

The top 20 Valentine’s Day spam subjects

Symantec’s Dylan Morss posted a blog post where he wrote down a list of the top 20 Valentine’s Day spam subject lines for February. Here is the list: St. …

Distributed end-to-end encryption of sensitive data with SecureData

Voltage Security enhanced SecureData, supporting more environments and platforms than ever before, including end-to-end encryption across distributed environments such as …

Companies should stop whitelisting their own email domain names

Nearly 20 per cent of all spam now forges the domain name of the recipient – ie looks as though it comes from the recipient, or someone in their company – …

D-Life security camera system for home surveillance

D-Link announced its easy-to-install, easy-to-use D-Life Web-based home surveillance camera systems are now available channel-wide and have enhanced optics, lower prices and …

New interoperability specification for encryption key management

Brocade, HP, IBM, LSI, RSA, Seagate and Thales announced the creation of a jointly developed specification for enterprise key management that is engineered to dramatically …

Anti-piracy service for iPhone developers

Kali Anti-Piracy is a service for the iPhone developers that protects their applications from being pirated. Evidently, the piracy rate currently is quite high due to the fact …

IEEE approves 1902.1 standard for wireless visibility networks

The IEEE has approved a new wireless standard, IEEE 1902.1, “Standard for Long Wavelength Wireless Network Protocol,” which improves upon the visibility network …

Video: Electronic Driver’s Licence Cloning for $250

This is the video of Chris Paget’s presentation for Shmoocon V, which was held February 6th – 8th 2009 in Washington DC. This talk outlines a number of security …

Congressman twitters secret trip to Iraq

Sophos is warning computer users of the far reaching consequences associated with the irresponsible use of social networking sites like Twitter, following news that a high …

Survey: 92% have security software but how many are aware of the threats?

F-Secure announced results from its annual Online Wellbeing Survey. This third-party survey of Internet users aged 20-40 in the United States, Canada, UK, France, Germany …

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