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Signature-based scanners miss 58% of malware

In its quarterly Global Threat Report issued today, ScanSafe reported that at its highest peak in Q109, 58% of Web malware blocks were zero day threats. On average, the rate …

Kaspersky Lab patents heuristic analysis technology

Kaspersky Lab patented a heuristic analysis technology in the US. The technology enables a security rating to be assigned to software based on its behavior during emulation. …

DeepSec 2009 call for papers

The third DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference will take place from November 17th to 20th at the Imperial Riding School Renaissance Hotel in Vienna. You can submit proposals …

Is your firewall a fire hazard?

Ask a firewall administrator to tidy up a rule base and get rid of every unused rule and object; or if you really want to make someone’s life miserable set them the task …

RSA simplifies use of encryption with new Key Manager Suite

RSA announced enhancements to RSA Key Manager Suite (RKM), its enterprise encryption key management system designed to manage encryption keys at the application, database, and …

Durzosploit: Javascript exploits generator framework

Durzosploit is a javascript exploits generator framework that works through the console. The goal of the project is to quickly and easily generate working exploits for …

Platform-independent voice authentication solution

Convergys Corporation announced a platform-independent On-Demand Voice Authentication solution which can be implemented by enrolling the voice signatures of their customers …

Google Chrome update fixes security issues

Google Chrome has been updated to version to fix two security issues discovered by internal Google testing. CVE-2009-1441: Input validation error in the browser …

iPhone security software: Notes+

Notes+ is rather a simple utility - its main function is to be used as a note taking utility with a twist. The twist in this situation is a security lock which can be turned …

Specialized search engines leading users to malicious websites

PandaLabs has observed how cyber-criminals are starting to use their own search engines to lead users to malicious pages, often created for distributing malware. This new …

Bluetooth proximity lock system

Phoenix Technologies unveiled the Phoenix Freeze, a solution for laptops and netbooks, that provides users with a convenient, always-on Bluetooth proximity system that …

Crime analytics tool

CrimeReports announced the launch of Command Central, a web-based analytics platform that tracks and manages crime data through user-friendly graphs, charts, maps, and …

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