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Cisco outlines strategy for highly secure Smart Grid infrastructure

Cisco today outlined its plan to deliver an end-to-end, highly secure network infrastructure solution that helps utility companies and their customers manage power supplies …

Ford debunks £10,000 Fusion Hybrid email hoax

Sophos is warning computer users not to believe everything they read in an email, following news that Ford Motor Company has been the victim of a bogus email hoax claiming the …

Waging war on cyber threats

The Obama Administration did what many in the political and national security arenas have been advocating for some time – make Cybersecurity its own Department of …

Microsoft releases Surface SP1

Microsoft Surface represents the next generation of customer digital interaction. There’s no mouse or keyboard, the product employs a camera-based vision system that …

Web penetration testing live CD

The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live Linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of the open …

New version of DeleGate, a multi-purpose application level gateway

DeleGate is a multi-purpose application level gateway or proxy server that mediates communication of various protocols, applying cache and conversion for mediated data, …

McAfee acquires Solidcore Systems

McAfee announced a definitive agreement to acquire privately owned Solidcore Systems for approximately $33 million in cash up front and with an earn-out of up to an additional …

Strong webmail with a twist

StrongWebmail is the first email account to confirm a user’s identity using something they know (their password) and something they have (their telephone). When a person …

Q&A: Analyzing the security, compliance and cost benefits of tokenization

Tokenization has been billed as the magic data security bullet for retailers, offering strong protection for stored sensitive data and an attractive cost-saving strategy for …

Cybercriminals imitating social networks to spread malware

The results of new research conducted by Websense Security Labs reveal a growing domain-name cloning trend among cybercriminals seeking to take advantage of the huge number of …

What keeps network administrators up at night

According to findings from the sixth annual “What Keeps Network Administrators Up At Night” security survey commissioned by VanDyke Software and executed by …

Telephone authentication key to increasing online consumer confidence

Telephone authentication can play a key role in increasing online transactions, boosting consumer confidence when shopping over the Internet by helping to eliminate any risk …

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Cybersecurity news