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social engineering attacks
Social engineering attacks anybody could fall victim to

Social engineering – also known as human hacking – is an expression that encompasses a number of methods and vectors attackers use to manipulate targets into …

Shadowserver: Get free access to timely, critical Internet security data

The Shadowserver Foundation fulfills a unique role in the cybersecurity ecosystem by supplying vital security information to Internet defenders and law enforcement at no cost. …

cert-manager: Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes

cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing, and using those …

open source
Consumer behaviors are the root of open source risk

Sonatype unveiled its eighth annual State of the Software Supply Chain Report which, in addition to a massive surge in open source supply, demand, and malicious attacks, found …

week in review
Week in review: CISA releases RedEye, Apache Commons Text flaw, Medibank data breach

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: Medibank hack turned into a data breach: The attackers are demanding money …

Data visualization: An invaluable tool in a defender’s arsenal

Visibility is always a priority, but it’s vital when responding to an incident. Time is always working against incident responders. Looking through rows of text data and …

How supply chain threats will evolve in 2023

Software supply chain risk has grown to be a significant concern for organizations as cyber attackers look to take advantage of the accelerating digitalization that has seen …

How phishing campaigns abuse Google Ad click tracking redirects

PhishLabs by HelpSystems has identified attackers leveraging a weakness in Google’s ad service to carry out phishing campaigns on financial institutions. In this Help Net …

The companies most likely to lose your data

Web companies are most likely to lose your data, a study shows. The study, conducted by VPN Overview, analysed major data breaches that have been registered since 2004 to …

(ISC)² to aid cybersecurity professional development in emerging economies

(ISC)² has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) to strenghten cybersecurity professional development in emerging …

risk assessment
Why chasing risk assessments will have you chasing your tail

Third-party risk assessments are often described as time-consuming, repetitive, overwhelming, and outdated. Think about it: organizations, on average, have over 5,000 third …

ImmuniWeb Discovery
Product showcase: ImmuniWeb Discovery – attack surface management with dark web monitoring

Organizations around the globe struggle to identify their IT assets hosted in a multicloud environment, on premise or managed by numerous third parties. The lack of visibility …

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