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Casper Secure Drive Backup for PGP Whole Disk Encryption

Future Systems Solutions announced Casper Secure Drive Backup for PGP Whole Disk Encryption, the first PC backup solution to confront the problems affecting users of whole …

New series of miniature WiFi and WiMAX linear amplifier modules

Avago Technologies announced a new series of miniature fully matched WiMAX and WiFi power amplifier modules for mobile and fixed wireless data applications. The MGA-2xx03 …

New book: “Cracking Drupal: A Drop in the Bucket”

Written by a Drupal expert Greg Knaddison, this is the first book to reveal the vulnerabilities and security issues that exist in the sites that have been built with Drupal …

Microsoft releases June security bulletins

Another Patch Tuesday and Microsoft comes out with a variety of patches that fix vulnerabilities targeting Windows, Office and Internet Explorer. MS09-018: Vulnerabilities in …

Adobe patches critical Acrobat vulnerabilities

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Reader 9.1.1 and Acrobat 9.1.1 and earlier versions. These vulnerabilities would cause the application to crash and …

A long list of Safari 4.0 security fixes

Apple has released Safari 4.0, the latest version of its popular web browser. Besides all the new functionalities, this release includes a long list of security fixes. Details …

Fujitsu’s 40 Gbps interfaces for its FLASHWAVE 7500 ROADM

Fujitsu Network Communications announced the availability of second-generation 40 Gbps interfaces for its FLASHWAVE 7500 Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM). …

Fedora 11 is now available

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. Fedora 11 …

WordPress two-factor authentication with low-cost YubiKey USB token

WordPress is a versatile platform used by a large number of bloggers worldwide. This article will show you how to power up your WordPress installation with a low cost …

The security and privacy paradox: Getting it right

Privacy is considered a human right in Europe and to this extent organizations have focused on protecting the privacy of their customers’ data. However, there’s a …

TweetGrade: online user reputation on Twitter

Purewire launched TweetGrade, which provides a quantitative assessment of a user’s reach and influence in the Twitter community, and it helps people understand a …

DeviceAnywhere introduces Palm Pre to its developer network

DeviceAnywhere added the new Palm Pre phone to its network of 2000+ feature phones and smartphones available over the DeviceAnywhere platform and accessible by organizations …

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