Help Net Security
Monitor, manage and automate the virtual infrastructure
Tripwire announced vWire, the first virtualization management solution to integrate change and configuration awareness into Virtual Infrastructure (VI) management. vWire …
Two new data security solutions from SSH
SSH Communications Security introduced SSH Tectia MFT Events and SSH Tectia MFT Auditor. These new Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions enable enterprise and government …
WordPress 2.8 released
WordPress 2.8 “Baker” has been released. It contains fixes to 790 bugs as well as improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed. Highlights: New …
Layer 7 virtual appliance fo cloud governance
Layer 7 Technologies announced the Layer 7 SecureSpan Virtual Appliance for cloud governance. The Virtual Appliance offers all the features of the SecureSpan family of …
StoneGate IPS-1030 protects against Web attacks inside the SSL tunnel
Stonesoft introduced the new StoneGate IPS-1030 appliance with the unique capability of inspecting encrypted Web traffic inside of the SSL tunnel. This improves the …
Insider snooping is on the rise
Despite a sharp rise in data breaches and increased media awareness on the subject, the third annual Cyber-Ark survey reveals that 35 percent of IT workers now admit to …
Free iPhone hard drive simulator application
DriveSaver is a free iPhone hard drive simulator that educates users about hard drive data storage technology, best practices for protecting digital data and data recovery …
Linux kernel 2.6.30 is available
The Linux kernel 2.6.30 is now available. Linus Torvalds writes: “Not a lot of changes (just 72 non-merges, according to git rev-list), and most of those are pretty …
Cisco provides new options for CCNA Voice Certification
Cisco announced changes to its voice certification track, offering new options for students pursuing a CCNA Voice Certification. On June 24, 2009, two paths will be available …
T-Mobile USA issues security update
In light of recent news that T-Mobile USA suffered a security problem, the company released the update below. Following a recent online posting that someone allegedly accessed …
Vulnerability in Internet Explorer discovered by Core Security Technologies
Core Security Technologies issued an advisory disclosing a vulnerability that could affect millions of individuals and businesses using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web …
Security risks grow as businesses rush to adopt emerging technologies
RSA released two new research studies that examine the far-reaching security implications of promising technologies such as cloud computing, virtualization, social networking …