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Protecting enterprises against Web application attacks with IBM

As threats and attacks increasingly target Web applications, many enterprises have been forced to take a reactive approach to security with point products that address only …

Malware beyond Vista and XP

Windows may be ubiquitous, but there’s a thriving variety of alternative operating systems for enterprise and home use. However, the alternatives aren’t as risk …

New book: “Natural Language Processing with Python”

Technologies based on Natural Language Processing, or NLP, are becoming increasingly widespread. In Natural Language Processing with Python, authors Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, …

Twitter security move positive but is it it enough?

Twitter has quietly started checking URLs entered into user messages on its microblogging service. The new level of security might still leave room for improvement on several …

Denial of Service attack on Twitter

Earlier today Twitter was under a massively coordinated Denial of Service (DoS) attack and the service was interrupted. The folks at Twitter have been fighting the attack and …

Mobile Guardian Enterprise Edition 6.5 for Mac released

CREDANT Technologies released Mobile Guardian Enterprise Edition (CMG EE 6.5), which includes full disk encryption and protection for Mac OS X. CMG EE v6.5 for Mac extends …

Security considerations for ISPs complying with the European Union Data Retention Directive

Back in April of this year the UK Home Office announced that all ISPs must retain their internet-related communication data for law enforcement authorities (LEAs) to gain …

Mac OS X 10.5.8 released

The 10.5.8 update is recommended for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac. …

Multiple critical security issues in XML libraries

Codenomicon has helped fix multiple critical flaws in popular XML libraries, including implementations from Sun Microsystems, Apache Software Foundation, and Python. The …

Cyber attacks at U.S. energy companies

LogLogic released a report detailing information about IT security industry benchmarks and best practices for the energy sector as practiced by security professionals from a …

Scientists boot one million Linux kernels as virtual machines

Computer scientists at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, Calif., have for the first time successfully demonstrated the ability to run more than a million Linux …

CSI releases preliminary analysis of the new recommendations from NIST

Rob Housman, Executive Director of the Cyber Secure Institute released the Institute’s Preliminary Analysis of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) …

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