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Web, application server and Web 2.0 fingerprinting tool AppPrint

Security researcher Shreeraj Shah released the beta version of AppPrint. This tool scans the IP range, IP or host for Web and Application servers. It scans port 80 for a …

OWASP announces International Application Security Conference 2009

Washington DC will be hosting the 2009 OWASP Application Security Conference at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on November 10-13th, 2009. AppSec DC 2009 will …

Web 2.0 identity verification solution

ReallyWho brings the public records identity verification technology used by financial institutions to social media websites. “We are protecting Web 2.0 identities with …

Symatec points out “dirtiest” Web sites

Norton Safe Web, Symantec’s Web site ratings and reputation service, released the results of their analysis of sites with security risks and compilied the …

Video: Facebook personal information theft

The video below is a demonstration of an attack exploiting a vulnerability in Facebook. In a nutshell, a Facebook user’s personal is stolen. The only thing he does is …

Twitter spammers posting suggestive pictures online

Sophos is warning Twitter users to be wary of new followers posting sleazy images and inviting them to connect on MSN. Spammers have created scores of bogus profiles and …

New book: “My New Mac, Snow Leopard Edition”

Come this September, new Macs will ship with the Snow Leopard operating system. Apple says this version of OS X is “faster, more reliable, and easier to use,” and …

Breach notification regulations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

New regulations requiring health care providers, health plans, and other entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to notify …

Rogue Facebook phishing applications

Sometimes people take it for granted that once they login into Facebook, they don’t have to worry about security threats, but as Rik Ferguson (a researcher for Trend …

HITRUST offers access to Common Security Framework

The Health Information Trust Alliance announced that the Common Security Framework, the first IT security framework developed specifically for healthcare information, is now …

Videos of selected talks at Black Hat 2009 now available

The dust over Black Hat 2009 hasn’t even settled yet and already some talks are available in video format. The links below lead directly to the .mov files. The Language …

10 tips on ways to avoid identity theft at college

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the country and the 18-24 year old age group of consumers is often hit hard by identity thieves. Each year, thousands of …

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