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Defunct company forbidden to sell customer’s biometric data
Wired reports that Clear, one of the 7 companies that have been approved by the Transportation Security Administration and that provided the service of helping passengers get …
Video: Tor and nmap with tortunnel
In the video below we look at how you can preform a port scan through a tor network by jumping to the exit node with Moxie’s excellent tortunnel tool. We also look at …
New variant of the OSX_JAHLAV malware in the wild
Trend Micro researcher Ivan Macalintal, discovered another variant of the JAHLAV family: OSX_JAHLAV.I affecting Mac OS X. Once again, this malware comes in the form of a …
Military server compromised
The Boston Globe reports that a random online search for software revealed a serious security breach into the servers of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at …
A rising threat: Real-time keyloggers
According to Saul Hansell, a NY Times blogger, attackers have improved keylogging software by making it able to report your login credentials in real time via a Twitter-like …
It’s official: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard available on August 28th
Apple today included a pre-order of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard on the Apple Store and has it in stock as well. To the delight of Mac users, this proves that the …
New book: “Programming the Semantic Web”
The promise of the semantic web – in which machines can find, share, and combine data on the Web – is not just a technical possibility, but a practical reality. …
Adobe releases Flex SDK security update
An important vulnerability has been identified within template files contained in the Flex 3.3 SDK and earlier versions. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to execute …
Apple Remote Desktop 3.3 released
Apple Remote Desktop allows you to manage the Mac computers on your network. Distribute software, provide real-time online help to end users, create detailed software and …
Password-stealing Trojans target World of Warcraft gamers
It’s the way of the world: where a lot of people congregate, there will always be pickpockets. What is true for the real world, is true for the cyber one, too. Gaming is …
Trade body loses unencrypted laptop with data on 37,000 people
Repair Management Services of Blackburn, the trade association representing car repair companies, has lost a laptop containing the personal details of 37,000 people and …
Adium 1.3.6 fixes critical vulnerability
Adium 1.3.6 is now available. It includes an updated version of libpurple which fixes the vulnerability revealed earlier this week which has the potential to allow another …
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- March 2025 Patch Tuesday forecast: A return to normalcy
- Hetty: Open-source HTTP toolkit for security research
- How to safely dispose of old tech without leaving a security risk
- Who’s in your digital house? The truth about third-party access
- Can AI-powered gamified simulations help cybersecurity teams keep up?