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Security solution for Craigslist

Craigslist crime schemes steal millions of dollars each year, or worse, lead to violent crime. TrustMe prevents crime through its security solution for Craigslist buyers and …

IBM unveils public desktop cloud

The new IBM Smart Business Desktop on the IBM Cloud subscription service helps clients virtualize desktop computing resources, and provide a logical, rather than a physical, …

3rd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats Call for Papers

The 3rd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET ’10) announced a Call for Papers. Important dates Submissions due: Thursday, February 25, …

Security suite PenTBox 1.0.1 beta released

PenTBox is a security suite with programs like password crackers, Denial of Service testing tools, secure password generators, honeypots and much more. Programmed in Ruby, and …

The lifecycle of Web-based malware

According to the August edition of the MessageLabs Intelligence monthly report, it can be a costly exercise for the bad guys to produce new families of malware in order to …

Rogue software: BlockDefense

Here is the latest bogus antispyware that’s trying to get your money: BlockDefense. According to Lavasoft Affiliates, the last in a long stream of similar …

DDoS botnets for rent

Gunter Ollmann at Damballa’s blog says that if you are interested in renting a botnet, you just need to know how to search the Web. As unimmaginable (or unethical) as it …

Software for more secure enterprise mashups

The OpenAjax Alliance announced the approval and availability of OpenAjax Hub 2.0 as an industry standard for more secure Web 2.0 mashup applications. Advances in security in …

Skype users targeted by voice-recording Trojan

Trend Micro researches named TROJ_SPAYKE.C the new Trojan that can listen to and record calls you make using Skype (VoIP). The executable file installs DLL components that …

SAINT 7 released

SAINT offers an integration of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tools. The SAINT product suite offers a complete solution to evaluate the threats to your …

New message processing platform from Sendmail

Sendmail introduced Sentrion Message Processing Engine 4.0 – the foundation for the company’s Message Processors, which are available in virtual appliance …

MacPorts 1.8.0 released

The MacPorts project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based …

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Cybersecurity news