Help Net Security
Firewall management today and tomorrow
What features are real game changers when it comes to firewall management, and how far along is the market in the development cycle? A brief history of firewall management …
Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library 3.1 released
The Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library (Anti-XSS) is an encoding library designed to help developers protect their ASP.NET web-based applications from XSS attacks. It …
Photos: NIS Summer School in Greece
This week, Crete is once again hosting a group of experts in Information security, policy and EU decision makers, as well as members of the research and academic community. …
Wireshark 1.2.2 fixes vulnerabilities
Wireshark is a popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development, and education. The following vulnerabilities have been fixed: The GSM …
Digital video surveillance in huge demand
The digital video surveillance systems market exhibits significant growth, driven by heightened public and private security concerns in addition to a technology shift. The …
ArcSight aids in detecting and preventing financial fraud
ArcSight announced ArcSight FraudView, an appliance that aids in detecting and preventing financial fraud. It connects multiple pieces of transaction and account information …
(ISC)2 names finalists for 2009 U.S. Government Information Security Leadership Awards
(ISC)2 announced the final nominees for its sixth annual Government Information Security Leadership Awards (GISLAs). The GISLAs are awarded annually to individuals who have …
Comodo delivers PKI certificates inventorying agent
Enterprises have hundreds, or even thousands, of SSL certificates installed across their global networks. Such large and distributed deployments beleaguer managers with the …
New version of video surveillance appliance by TimeSight
TimeSight Systems announced TimeSight version 2.4, a intelligent network video recorder software to provide automated Video Lifecycle Management capability. The new release …
Nessus 4.0.2 released
Tenable Network Security has released version 4.0.2 of the Nessus vulnerability scanner. This release includes several fixes and support for the latest operating systems from …
OpenDNS announces premium, cloud-Based DNS infrastructure and security services
OpenDNS is currently developing OpenDNS Deluxe and OpenDNS Enterprise, two new service offerings designed to meet the DNS infrastructure and security needs of SMBs and large …
SANS outlines the top cyber security risks
SANS released the “Top Cyber Security Risks” report which covers covers March-August 2009 that features attack data from TippingPoint intrusion prevention systems …