Help Net Security
Multi-vendor interoperability of iris recognition technology for Homeland Security
Unisys has demonstrated the ability to use multiple iris recognition technologies in a single system, eliminating the need for the Department of Homeland Security and others …
Centralized command and control center appliance for environments with no expertise
Proximex announced Proximex C100, a centralized command and control center appliance. Intended for security environments with little or no IT staff or expertise, it offers a …
UnboundID upgrades Directory Server Platform and LDAP SDK
UnboundID announced version 2.1 of the UnboundID Directory Server and version 1.1 of the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java. The UnboundID Directory Server is based on a new identity …
Survey: Spam, and what it does to you
SPAMfighter announced the findings of its first quarterly SPAMFighter Community Watch Behavioral Survey, which aims to assess the current attitudes and behaviors towards spam. …
Hacking duo’s trial date set for November
American Chronicle reports that a trial date is set for Thomas Smith and David Edwards, two young men from Texas and South Carolina that allegedly conspired to damage a …
John the Ripper released
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix …
Program to address security threat from network-attached devices
Responding to an often overlooked security risk, ICSA Labs introduced a new program to help enterprises safeguard against intrusions through network-connected devices such as …
Video surveillance system that reasons like a human brain
BRS Labs announced a video-surveillance technology called Behavioral Analytics, which leverages cognitive reasoning, and processes visual data on a level similar to the human …
QualysGuard PCI 4.0 released
Qualys unveiled QualysGuard PCI 4.0 which adds network discovery capabilities and introduces PCI Connect features to a PCI platform already in use by 60 percent of all …
USB 3.0 compliance suite
LeCroy Corporation introduced a compliance test suite for USB 3.0 protocol that is intended to increase design confidence for early adopters working on SuperSpeed USB …
New Mac keylogger software
Refog Keylogger for Mac is computer activity surveillance software designed for the home use. The application continuously records keystrokes, captures the computer’s …
Global ID service from HID
HID Global announced the launch of Identity on Demand (IoD), a service that provides expertise and speed needed to make custom credential and ID badge projects successful. …