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Smart card-based USB token for data loss prevention

Gemalto launched Protiva Smart Guardian, a smart card enabled personal security USB device that offers digital data integrity and data loss prevention for enterprises. Smart …

RSA Conference Europe security bloggers meetup 2009

RSA Conference Europe is approaching fast, with its doors opening on October 20th. The event will feature a myriad of information security professionals, many of which take …

New book: “Windows 7 Resource Kit”

The Windows 7 Resource Kit is a comprehensive technical resource for deploying, maintaining, and troubleshooting Windows 7. The target audience for this resource kit is …

i365 offers offsite replication service

i365, a Seagate Company, announced the EVault Offsite Replication Service, a cloud storage service for mid-size businesses for protecting data from a site outage without …

Axis’ data masking solution

Axis Technology announced the release of version 3 of DMsuite, their data masking platform designed especially for off-shore outsourcing information security needs. DMsuite …

Security benchmark for Sybase’s Adaptive Server Enterprise

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) today announced the public release of its consensus security benchmark for Sybase’s Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), its flagship …

Most organizations view data leakage threat as internal

A new IT security survey conducted by IDC revealed that most organizations are placing investment in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology at the top of their priority list. …

The Privacy Projects launches to fund evidence-based privacy research

The Privacy Projects (TPP) intends to fund academic research into “evidence-based” privacy to enhance policies, practices and tools necessary to meet the power of …

Verizon Business and McAfee form alliance

Verizon Business and McAfee announced a global alliance to provide integrated security solutions to businesses and government agencies worldwide. Through this agreement, …

SecureWorks introduces Web application scanning service

SecureWorks unveiled a new Web Application Scanning service which can be used by organizations to do regular scans of all of their web applications and supporting databases, …

DigitalPersona Personal Premium

Since 1996, DigitalPersona delivers products that enable commercial enterprises, hardware OEMs, software ISVs and consumers to use fingerprint biometrics to secure their …

McAfee to support faster encryption based on Intel AES-NI technology

McAfee released Endpoint Encryption for PC 6.0, offering full-disk encryption and access control to prevent data loss, especially from lost or stolen devices. The product …

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